Archive for the 'General' Category

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How a photographer converts garage junk into $100,000

Today’s post is the third of a series of three conversations I had with Max Ucherek, photographer extraordinaire. It reveals how he can take boxes that have cluttered his garage for the past 20 years and turn them into $100,000. It’s a mind-blowing example of the Exponential Mindset in action. Click here to access the […]

Max Ucherek shares his insights on premature evaluations

I hope you enjoyed last week’s post when Max Ucherek and I sat down for a coffee on a Sunday morning. This second instalment highlights the DRAMATIC changes the photographic industry is going through and will reveal several strategic insights that will help you deal with dramatic change in YOUR industry. Max’s passion is overwhelming […]

We’re hiring, looking for an Antimimeticisomorphic Coordinator…

Pass this on to anyone who you think might be interested… [SPECIAL DISTINCTIONS INCLUDED BELOW!] Antimimeticisomorphic Coordinator Working with one of the biggest names in the Australian business and personal development market, you’ll be exposed to cutting edge business and personal growth strategies on a daily basis. You won’t necessarily have been exposed to this […]

Business Mastery Platinum Members caught acting antimimeticisomorphically!

Yes, Dean Stephenson has been caught red-handed acting antimimeticisomorphically in his first month in the program… He’s selling a beautiful house and included this aerial photo in an e-mail to a prospective buyer… Totally outside the square! You can see the highlights are done by hand – quickly but effectively. If you’re interested in a […]

Its not waht you raed, it’s waht you unedrtsand taht cunots

Getting e-mails to potential prospects today has become a pain in the %@$%!! There are spam and junkmail filters, whitelists, greylists, blacklists, you name it. Given the tough market out there, the torrential downfall of spamming, and hence the competition, an intentional Freudian slip of the tongue – or rather of the word, may after […]

T.G.I.F. (Thank God It’s Friday!)

It’s Friday… Yip, Yip, Yipee! The weekend is only hours away… Aren’t you glad the week is FINALLY over?!?!? If this is what you are thinking at the end of the week, I can tell you without a doubt you’re in the wrong business, career, job or industry. Every super successful and ultra wealthy individual […]

Welcome to the Business Mastery Platinum Blog

Welcome to the Business Mastery Platinum Blog – over the coming weeks and months we’ll keep you updated with the latest cutting edge strategies for building a profitable business that someone would want to buy. This blog is different in that it focuses on developing and Exponential Mindset that creates extra-ordinary results by doing things […]