Fixing a Business With an Unstable Foundation

Imagine a skyscraper. Think of all the engineering work and architectural genius that went into creating such a magnificent and tall building. Now think about what it was built on and how it came to be such a tall and powerful structure. It took a lot of manpower, hours and calculations, but the fundamental rule with building a highrise is that it needs to have a solid foundation. Not only do you endanger the people inside, you also endanger the workers and surrounding properties if you have an unstable foundation in a building.

The same also counts for your business. If the fundamentals of your business are completely imbalanced, then you can’t expect to continue operating your business under that shaky foundation. Sooner or later, the lack of work and effort you put into your business will have drastic effects on the future of your company. If you’re in a situation where your business is unproductive, inefficient or borderline about to collapse, then you need to fix the groundwork you laid for your company before it’s too late. To help you out, here are a few ways to ensure that your business remains strong and stands tall among the competition.

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Your Financial Situation

The financial situation of a company is critical because it affects everything else. For instance, poor finance management could lead to a lack of funding, late pay for employees and even fraud. If you want to fix these issues, then you need to find ways to improve your company’s financial situation. You need to think about maximising profits without compromising the quality of your services and products, how to deal with your company’s debt (if you have any) and ways to improve the efficiency of your workforce.

Keep in mind that these aren’t the only financial concerns you should have. If you don’t have an accountant yet to do things like calculate expenses and fill in 1099-MISC forms, then you’re going to need some finance management knowledge. Hiring an accountant is one of the basic ways to secure your business’s foundation because, as mentioned before, your financial situation is incredibly important to the rest of your business.

Customer Relations

Without a solid bond between you and your customers, you can’t expect to get much exposure or attention. If you aren’t meeting their demands, then you have no place in your industry and you’ll soon find yourself closing your doors and laying off your staff. If you want to establish a great business foundation, then you need to focus on your audience and understand them.

If you can’t read your audience, then it’s likely because you’re targeting the wrong people with your product. Ensure that you have channels open for communication, such as email, phone, social media or even snail mail, and read the feedback and comments you get. This will ensure that you’re in constant contact with the people who use your products and services so you can refine, improve and update your brand’s image.

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Employee Relations

Another relationship that you should focus on is with your employees. If you aren’t treating your employees with respect and trust, then they probably aren’t going to pay you much attention. You need to win their respect and loyalty if you want them to stay with your company and do their best. A disgruntled employee isn’t going to work hard and they may even quit their job. Establish good working relationships with your staff if you want them to grow into dedicated team members that will go the extra mile to see your business succeed.

A fantastic way to improve your relationship with employees is to balance micro-management and macro-management. If you watch your employees like a hawk, then they won’t feel like they have much freedom in the workplace and may even find it difficult to work while under constant monitoring. However, if you leave them to their own devices then they might slack off, produce sub-par work or even take advantage of the situation. Every good business has a positive office culture at its core, so make sure you’re paying attention to your staff and caring about their situation.


To summarise, these are three of the most important points that every business should focus on. Treat these as the foundations in your business. If any of these collapse at any point in your company, then you may as well say goodbye to your business. Focus on managing your financial situation and keep a solid relationship between you and your customers, but also manage your employees with respect so you can build trust and teamwork in the office.

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