How To Overhaul Your Bland Brand

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Realising that a business is about far more than hiring hard-working people and selling a great service is the first step towards expanding your eyes to the true scope of your potential market. You might have achieved some success already, but perhaps branding has been holding you back even though your team is professional and extremely motivated to help the company succeed and deliver an amazing product or service to consumers.

If you want to overhaul your bland brand, the key is to start showcasing the aspects of your business that your customers want to see in as concise a manner as possible. If you have the talent, dedication and amazing service that customers should be rushing in to buy, then you need to portray that effectively throughout your branding. Here are some pieces of advice to help you achieve that.

Keep it focused

Your brand needs to be clear to the customer. You may have many different dreams in terms of directions the business could take, as your entrepreneurial mindset could lead you down many creative avenues, but your brand can only succeed if it focuses on the consumer. You need to be addressing their wants and needs, which means you need to keep things simple.

The name needs to be straightforward, the product or service needs to be unified in solving a specific problem or meeting a specific market. If you’re running a beauty salon, you need to remain focused on the beauty element of things and not start offering a jumbled selection of services related to clothing or other “vaguely related” industries. You need to define what your brand does. You can provide different services, but they must be related.

Create a strong internal brand

Your brand doesn’t just flourish through marketing, but through the team behind the logo. In order to create a real brand that customers can believe, it needs to be real for your employees too. That means you need to put effort into making the workplace modern, engaging and fun, perhaps with a pool table in the break room, so as to deliver on your promise of a contemporary, fun and relaxed business. You could look into office cleaning services if you don’t have the time to constantly keep a workplace spotless on top of your workload. There’s always a way to prioritise the appearance of your office area and keep your workers as happy as your customers.

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Build an airtight reputation on trust

Your brand is more than pretty images and catchy marketing slogans. Your brand is a name, and that name signifies something to your target market. If you want to start reeling in great numbers of potential customers, you need an airtight reputation in order to prove your worth to them before they take a leap of faith in trusting you. You need to be making solid promises and guarantees to your customers in order to build a very real, personal bond of trust between you both.

Promising that you’ll give the customer their money back if you were lying about the fantastic nature of your product or service proves to them that you’re really committed to genuinely pleasing them, rather than simply taking their money and leaving them to deal with a dodgy product. You need a voice which makes a real impact on your customers. This is the difference between a company which tries to make a quick buck and one which tries to build a permanent, long-lasting reputation for itself amongst a growing client-base. This is how you create a real brand, rather than simply a business.

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