Archive for the 'Online Security' Category

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Facebook Wall Of Shame Infographic

During my recent Business Blogging For Sales Lead Generation event tour in Adelaide, the Gold Coast, Melbourne and Sydney, participants heard a preview of my rant on Privacy Pirates which I’ve been proselytising about for quite some time. Karen Bonanno, a 2011 Exponential Entrepreneur Of The Year Award Winner, sent me the infographic below that […]


Credit Cards: How Are They Verified?

Ever wonder how a credit card number is verified? A fascinating article, Making Sense of your Credit Card Number published by Digital Inspiration Technology Blog. You credit card number may look like a random string of 16 digits that’s unique in the world but those digits reveal a little more than you think. For instance, […]


Data Breach Costs

In a previous post, I explained the risks of phishing.  In the 2009 Annual Study Australian cost of data breach report, they state that the average cost per compromised record is $123. Can you imagine that? If you have 10,000 records in your database, that’s a whopping $1,230,000. Which is why the common statement holds […]



“Phishing” (also known as “carding” or “spoofing”) refers to email that attempts to fraudulently acquire personal information from you, such as your account password or credit card information. On the surface, the email may appear to be from a legitimate company or individual, but it’s not. I came across this particular explanation of phishing that […]
