How To Learn Something New

What I love to do is uncover “lies” that distract or distort people’s reality or perceptions of reality…

For example, I think Malcolm Gladwell is one of the best business non-fiction writers around. His book Outliers was a phenomenon for non-academically inclined business people. He brought the world of ‘Expert Performance‘ to the layperson in easily digestible prose and great storytelling.

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It was so easy to learn new stuff when we were young… Why is that?!?!?

Unfortunately, people associated learning something new with the 10,000 hour rule. What most people might not fully consider is that for someone to master or become an expert in anything takes… 10,000 hours.

But to learn something new, according to Josh Kaufman in this Ted Talk, takes only 20 hoursIF you use the same principles as the experts, champions and so-called child prodigies – Deliberate practice.

Easier said than done, but then again it actually is easy when you know WHAT to do and HOW to do it.

As The Exponential Growth Strategist, this is what I do for our clients. (1) I uncover the big “lies” that distract and distort reality. (2) I give them the foundational principles like deliberate practice so they can start the process and most importantly, (3) I follow up and follow through with the guidance and mentoring they need to achieve results in record time – with the least amount of effort and lowest cost possible.

The number 1 impediment is not your ability to do “it”, but the mindset that permeates your current reality – if you think it takes 10,000 to learn a new skill, you won’t start to learn anything new because who the hell has 10,000 free hours?!?!


If it only takes 20 hours to learn any new skill, then it means you could learn something NEW every month in 2014… Hmmm… How much would THAT change your life, shift your destiny?

Say hello to your New Year’s Resolutions!

One of the key foundational principles I teach our Platinum Members is that the more you become proficient in one aspect of your life or career, the harder it becomes for you to replicate that in acquiring another new skill. KNOWING why is the missing link most “successful people” lack to create their next big accomplishment.

It is the number 1 source of frustration and disappointment in accomplished individuals, especially when it comes to Internet Marketing and online lead generation.

Contact us and we’ll help you overcome these psychological barriers and unleash the exponential potential that is within you. It’ll only take 20 hours, not 10,000.

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