Tag Archive for 'Exponential Mindset'

Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp Day 3 Of 3

Well, this is the last day of the Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp… What an exciting 2 days it’s been – hundreds of ideas (most of them free) to get more online traffic that converts to sales. Here’s the last thing I want to say about this last edition of this version of the Bootcamp. With […]


Fonolo: Internet Business Model

Every once in a while, a company creates a ‘new business model’ worthy of reflection. Fonolo is one such example. Click on the hyperlink to see how they took something everyone hates and created an intriguing new business model. Time will tell if it’s commercially viable and profitable, but as an Internet Exponential Marketing enthusiast, […]


1% Improvement = Your Ultimate Goal or Outcome

1% Improvement – Google it and see what comes up! Go to Google and type in “1% Improvement” using the quotes or click here. Yep, that’s my YouTube video that’s in the #1 WORLDWIDE position. Do you know how much I PAID to get it there?!?! $0. That’s because it happened 1% at a time, […]


Its not waht you raed, it’s waht you unedrtsand taht cunots

Getting e-mails to potential prospects today has become a pain in the %@$%!! There are spam and junkmail filters, whitelists, greylists, blacklists, you name it. Given the tough market out there, the torrential downfall of spamming, and hence the competition, an intentional Freudian slip of the tongue – or rather of the word, may after […]
