Corporate Executives And Managers:

Learn to run up the fast track corporate ladder of success two rungs at a time

Entrepreneurs And Salespeople:

Get more prospects and close more sales by creating a professional ‘Persona’

Event Schedule:

Melbourne 19 October 2010
Canberra 26 October 2010
Sydney 29 October 2010
Brisbane 4 November 2010
Perth 17 November 2010
Adelaide 23 November 2010

A corporate manager who wants to:

  • Get on the career fast-track to get promotions and pay rises faster than your colleagues.
  • Be offered the best postings, projects as well as the biggest budgets and teams to manage with the fattest paycheque in the company.
  • Overcome the fear of public speaking once and for all to be able to express your thoughts and expertise effortlessly and expertly in meetings, presentations and workshops.
  • Increase your visibility across your organisation with more stakeholders, both internal including the board and/or committees as well as external to the company such as suppliers and shareholders.
  • Improve your group facilitation and leadership skills so people look up to you with greater respect and even admiration.

If you’re an entrepreneur or sales /marketing professional who wants to:

  • Double your sales commissions in the next 12 months by becoming a more effective speaker when presenting yourself, product and company to prospects and clients.
  • Cut the sales cycle in half or less – especially in the case of a complex sales process such as professional services, (IT) software, business-to-business solutions, etc.
  • Double ‘payback and ROI’ on existing projects that are currently marginally profitable.
  • Create a much bigger sales funnel with less effort than you’re putting in right now. So that you have an on-going continuous stream of prospects who want to and can buy from you.
  • Increase conversions from tyre-kicking prospects to paying clients by as much as 50 to 100%.
  • Create, build and sustain value-based, long-term client relationships that bullet-proof your profits and recession-proof your business.

If you’re an engineer, lawyer or other technical professional who needs to:

  • Learn how to translate techno-babble and ‘geek speak’ into easy-to-understand English.
  • Be offered the leadership position for the next projects and contracts.
  • Develop persuasion and influence skills to get your message across without being manipulative or confrontational.
  • Increase your effectiveness in group discussions across specialties and/or with clients.
  • Improve your negotation skills so you get better outcomes by delivering projects or outcomes on time and on-budget

Subtitles and simultaneous translation NOT provided
Pre Program Preparation

The first component is your Pre Program Preparation™...

...A hand-picked collection of reference materials you will receive as soon as you reserve your ticket.

The Pre Program Preparation™ materials are designed to help you get ready BEFORE the event! These “self-paced” grounding materials make sure you have thought about important things that will make the day that much more valuable for you. You need the time to reflect, selfassess and think about what you want. That can’t be done in 1 day, that’s why this and all our programs are different and produce exponential results – they are DESIGNED and CRA FTED to get you to do your absolute best with the least amount of effort!

Book now to start receiving your Pre Program Preparation™ Today!

The second component is your MasterMind Experience Workshop™...

Even though the focus is on extroverted speaking and presentation skills, this program involves an introspective self-assessment process that forces you to question what your public/professional persona should be. Dr Marc Dussault is an expert MasterMind facilitator that engages participants in a fun and playful manner without being provocative or putting anyone on-the-spot, unless of course you want to step out of your spectator’s seat and up to the stage!

Workshop Agenda

9:00-10:30 An Overview of Exponential Mindset™ Thinking: Getting more done by transforming an effort-based approach into a value-based model.
10:30-11:00 Morning Tea
11:00-12:30 Professional Persuasion Principles™ Revealed: How to say more in less time and be understood while moving your audience to action
12:30-1:30 Catered Lunch
1:30-3:00 Professional Productivity Powerhouse Principles™ How to leverage your new persona to get more done in less time
3:00-3:30 Afternoon Tea
3:30-5:00 Determining Your Next Best Step™ to becoming the next Professional Protégé™ on your way to Corporate ‘Rockstardom’

Workshop Running Time:
Approximately 8 hours, profits however, will last a lifetime.

Post Program Planning

The third component is your Post Program Planning™...

The templates, articles and checklists delivered over several weeks, will ensure you implement and deploy the strategies you learnt and will become a vital part of your speaker’s toolkit. Gone are the days when you attend a fun “rah rah” session and then have it all fall flat and unused. Designed to give you what you need when you need it, you’ll take your Next Best Step™ testing, refining and experimenting with different approaches to become your authentic self, comfortable in front of a room.

David Conroy“I use my public speaking skills when I meet with my clients one-on-one, in fact I closed a 400 - apartment deal in a record 11 minutes using the strategies Marc taught me!”

David Conroy

Anonymous“I knew that being scared to death of standing up in front of a group was limiting my career and meant I USED TO get passed over for promotions - not anymore!”

Nobody at work knows I took this program!

Public speaking is widely recognised as the most persuasive skill of influence executives or entrepreneurs can acquire to ascend to the top of their profession or marketplace.

Dr Marc Dussault is an award-winning author, recipient of several marketing awards [Best Promotion under $500, Best Promotion Between $500 and $1,000, Best Business Graphics and Most Innovative Customer Service], an Entrepreneur of the Year Award finalist as well as a National Sales Award Winner.

Founder of numerous successful businesses (all started with NO MONEY DOWN), Dr Dussault has experience in a wide variety of industries and geographic regions including North America, Europe, Australia and Asia Pacific. Dr Dussault has been a public company CEO, Global Strategist and Director, as well as Business Development Manager of a global IT software company securing Top 50 ASX Companies such as TabCorp and Westpac as blue chip clients. As an entrepreneur, Marc has raised millions of dollars in venture capital on the NASDAQ and ASX Stock exchanges.

Dr Dussault is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management as well as the recipient of the highly acclaimed Company Directors Course Diploma 2005 bestowed upon him by the well respected Australian Institute of Company Directors.

With 5 university degrees covering engineering, business, law, taxation, ecommerce and corporate governance, he is uniquely qualified to coach, advise and mentor business entrepreneurs especially since he has been mortgage-free since his early 20s and retired from the rat race in 2005 at age 42.

Your Presenter:
Dr Marc Dussault

Embracing a life and work balance philosophy, Marc has not had a sick day in over 20 years, has travelled to more than 36 countries while exploring some of the most exotic destinations on the planet. Marc grew up playing ice hockey, but is now “World #18 in Men’s Masters Squash in the 45-49 age category.” Not bad for someone who learned to play 10 years ago and has less than 5 years of competitive experience! There must be something to his Exponential Mindset Thinking™!

Register now to attend
"Become the Next Corporate Rockstar"

Registration Fee: $1,495/attendee

Discounts: For two or more from the same organisation attending the same seminar or one person attending two seminars in this series, the fee is reduced to $995 for the second day and subsequent delegates.