Turbocharging Your PowerPoint
Presentations Workshop

This presentation is not your typical ‘how to create slides with PowerPoint’ exposé, instead it’s the exponential version of how I create, craft and design my presentations, slide-by-slide with full commentary, critique and revelation.

I will use the slides from the “Persuasive Presentation Principles” workshop as a before and after comparison. I will showcase both the before and after versions so you can experience the difference first-hand.

The presentation will highlight PowerPoint often overlooked functions and tools, but will go way beyond what you can find in the Help Menu. This seminar is aimed at anyone who needs to communicate more effectively using PowerPoint not as a crutch, but as a tool to effectively move people to action or sell more.

This will be staged in an interactive MasterMind Experience format which means you can and will be encouraged to ask questions.

Submit Your Slides For
Improvement and Enhancement!

If you have PowerPoint slides you would like improved, you will be permitted to submit up to 5 slides for analysis and enhancement as part of the Pre Program Preparation™.

WARNING: This is not a
‘how-to use PowerPoint Seminar’.

It’s assumed you have a working knowledge of the program although you need not be an expert or master. You can easily attend this workshop and retrospectively teach yourself some of the advanced functions I will be referring to.

If you need more information than is on this page – go to other pages on the website to get a sense of what our events are like. If that doesn’t convince you to attend this workshop, then as Brian Tracy’s classic take-away phrase states… “This is not for you.”

No worries, no drama.

When it is for you, you’ll know it.

It’ll be when:

  • You need to stand out above the crowd, not because you want to brash, bold and outrageous, but because your use of subtlety and nuance are expertly chosen and executed.
  • You have multiple stakeholders to deal with, different suspects, prospects and clients; or owner, investors and shareholders; or external suppliers, internal staff and clients and are not sure how to reconcile this with your presentation(s).
  • You realise that your presentations are falling on deaf ears and your career’s at a standstill because you’re not making any impressions on upper management – you’ve essentially become ‘invisible’ within the corporate bureaucracy.
  • You want to master this skill to give you the confidence to ‘wow’ any group or audience without trepidation and apprehension.
  • You want your peers to envy you – because you master one of the most influential skills there is, the ability to influence and persuade – PowerPoint is just a tool, but just like a carpenter has a hammer, screwdriver, saw, pliers and other tools, you need the same variety WITHIN the PowerPoint toolkit so you are not constrained by the medium, but empowered by it.

When that day comes, contact us and register for this seminar. It’ll forever change your perception of what a ‘PowerPoint Presentation’ can and should be.