We have all heard the news lately—
The bear market is upon us… the bulls have gone home…
Interest rates are going up in the US and ‘might’ come down in Australia…
Housing starts in the US and Australia are way down…
The sub-prime crisis in the US is not even close to being over…
The price of oil is down from its high, but that’s a false win since it’s still above $115…
The Australian Dollar’s run has stopped and retreated…
The labour market is still strong – for now. The number of people SWITCHING jobs is down and new job openings are decreasing…
So how can it be an IDEAL opportunity to grow your business exponentially?!?!?
That is what over 100 keen Australian Entrepreneurs and Internet Marketers are going to learn at this year’s third annual Exponential Internet & Business Building Bootcamp.
SOLD OUT – this year’s event will cover new content that includes HOW TO RECESSION PROOF YOUR BUSINESS – an entire new segment to arm participants to make the most of this IDEAL opportunity when most businesses will be:
* Strapped for cash
* Under-resourced
* Fighting price cutting like never before
* Negative buyer sentiment – people ‘waiting’ to buy
* Aggressive competitor tactics
For many, this will be the first time they see the Exponential Mindset™ at work – LIVE, IN PERSON and FOCUSED on REAL LIFE ISSUES.
It’s going to be an exciting 3 days – a full 36 hours.
One of the strategies that will be demonstrated is MindMapping.
They will be shown how Gideon King founder of NovaMind created these exponential results…
Within a couple of months of attending the Bootcamp, I implemented a simple strategy to ask for referrals from NovaMind customers, which increased revenues by over 50%, and had a significant flow on effect as those new customers in turn referred others.
Later on, I used the strategy of preeminence to become a recognized Mind Mapping expert worldwide, which in turn has supported growth of the business, and the development of NovaMind.
I have also used a combination of strategies, almost all of which were taught at the Bootcamp, to take a 6 year old well established company and grow the income by 81% in 60 days, while reducing expenses by approximately 20%.
When you apply them, these strategies really work!
If you want to access this exponential tool, go to the NovaMind site and download the FREE trial version – it’s an Aussie product and nothing short of incredible!
When you decide to buy it – please make sure you use my affiliate link -> CLICK HERE. And I’ll make sure you get an EXTRA EXPONENTIAL BONUS!
MindMapping is an awesome skill to have. At the Bootcamp, we’re going to cover Group MindMapping strategies that I invented about 10 years ago – it’s MindMapping taken to the next level.
Talking about taking things to the next level – whenever you come across something of value, you have a ‘duty’ to share it with people. The more you share, the more you will get back in return – either directly or INdirectly.
For example, I came across this website that’s really cool to teach you to touch type faster and more accurately…
There is NOTHING TO SELL YOU – just an idea that might improve your typing speed by 20, 30 or 50%.
You’re welcome.
Of course when you come across another site of similar value, please reciprocate and let me know!
This is called creating value within your business model.
With the Internet and blogs, it’s increasingly easier to do, yet very few people do it.
THAT is why as the RECESSION takes hold, YOU WILL HAVE AN ADVANTAGE – if you do it.
Most business people will be so focused on SURVIVING that they won’t be value-adding = an IDEAL OPPORTUNITY for you to LOVE your clients and prospects to death!
To the death of your competitors!
If that excites you and you haven’t yet bought it – you simply must make the $27 investment to purchase my book “Get the Best Business Results With the LEAST Amount of Effort”.
Most Bootcamp attendees who have invested THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS have invested the $27 to make sure they learn the Exponential Learning Strategies BEFORE they step into the Bootcamp.
These strategies are so powerful that they defy ‘logic’ – they will astound you with their elegance, simplicity and EASE.
There are ‘secret’ bonuses included with the book – – –
Back to value creation strategies –
The most exponential thing you can do is create a MasterMind Group – you know I am going to tell you that Bootcamp attendees are going to do this over 3 days…
… so I won’t tell you…
But what you might not know is that we’ve created a SPECIAL BONUS for Bootcamp attendees that you can benefit from even if you don’t attend the Bootcamp!
It’s a never-before-seen offer that will blow your socks off.
Click here to learn how to have FUN creating a Powerful MasterMind Group.
I know that after you’ve read the book and listened to the audio recording you’ll wish you were at the Bootcamp with OVER 100 super-excited entrepreneurs…
But this wasn’t your time – there will be other opportunities in a few months – other events to attend to get into … “the Exponential Mindset™”.
Onward and upward!
Just when you think you’ve ‘seen it all’ someone comes up with something that defies description.
Click here for my exponential consolation gift to you since you can’t make it to the Bootcamp this year…
If you want, you can type in this blog and see what happens!
At the Bootcamp, I will be sharing more than 100 tips, techniques, Internet sites and plug-ins like this with participants and I know you would have liked to have been there, but this year just wasn’t your year.
I didn’t want you to be ’empty handed’…
Today’s gift is courtesy of Nick Schoonens of Marketing Results – the whizzes behind our Exponential Marketing Strategies!
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