Archive for the 'Marketing Mistakes To Avoid' Category

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For this restaurant, it’s NOT about the food

Whenever I ask most people what business they’re in, I usually get an incoherent rambling about what they do (and they wonder why they’re struggling for new clients… but that’s a discussion for another day!) Then I ask then what’s important to their clients and 9 times out of 10 they have no clue. If […]

Increase Retail Sales 28%

Watch this short video that reveals how retailers unknowingly throw away as much as 28% of their sales – that is one customer for every 4 walking out their shop door… This is one of those rare videos that hits you across the head like a two-by-four… As it should! WHAM!!!! The 4 Ways Sound […]

Sexy Actresses A Case Study of Management By Metrics

In a recent BBM Magazine, I came across this article  that stated that the underrated Hollywood hotty Naomi Watts is apparently the world’s most bankable actress. The 41-year-old, who’s hot scene in Mulholland Drive, helped the box office rake in an estimated $44 for every $1 she was paid for her last three major films. […]

The Interweb Is NOT A Fad

If you think the Interweb is a fad, think again!

Money Saving Tip – Promotional Signage

By now, you know about my 1 Percent Improvement Doctrine that simply states that it’s the small things that make the biggest difference. In fact, it’s why you are a subscriber to this and my other blogs. You know that I have countless ideas, tips and suggestions to make or save you money. Like today’s […]


In a recent article, the retailer Marks and Spencer admitted boobing on the price of bras. Apparelently they charged more for larger sized bras… I can only imagine how this larger-than-life group must have felt.

Peter The Baker Is At It Again!

This is so obvious it’ll make you smile. It’s from Peter the Baker who will be getting his website up and running soon… This is exponentially valuable for anyone who deals with people who want ‘FREE samples’… _____________________________________________________________________________ Every week people ring and ask me what type of products I produce and just about all […]

How To Kill Your Business Twice As Fast

I can’t hold back, I have to get this off my chest. In the past 2 to 3 weeks several people have been struggling to get stuff done. They KNOW what to do and HOW to do it, but can’t get it done… WHY? Because they have their mates doing it at “mates rates” which […]

Sales Tip #1: Transformational Vocabulary

This is the first of a series of posts on sales strategies to get you to SELL MORE with LESS EFFORT. Disarmingly simple and straight to the point, each one is designed to help you get your 1 percent improvement from your sales activities and conversations. Let’s get started shall we? Transformational Vocabulary Sales Tip […]

How To Lose 33% Of Your Sales In 30 Seconds

As an eternal optimist, I rarely focus on the negative, but today’s an exception worth sharing. Monica and I spent 2 days at a ’boutique hotel’ on the Southern New South Wales coast this weekend. The property was magnificent, Internet broadband was fast, the breakfast sublime. So what could be negative about that? The owners […]

How To Sell More Services

If you’re a service business that is mandated to ‘do stuff’ for clients on an out-sourced basis and you get paid on an on-going retainer basis, you need to know the #1 reason people STOP buying from you or cancel their contracts… Chances are it’s because you keep them in the dark – I’ve talked […]

Profit Cancers May be Killing Your Sales

What would happen if your marketing worked? Answer the questions in the Business Marketing Autopsy and you’ll discover the profit cancers that may be killing your sales… Click on the banner below to access it for FREE. Usually $297, it’s yours for FREE, until I change my mind… Which could happen at any time. Don’t […]

Don’t make this marketing mistake

Whenever people get excited about Exponential Marketing Strategies they often make this mistake that KILLS SALES… This mistake is MIXING UP SIGNALS AND COMMUNICATIONS that impede, prohibit or delay your sales. Here’s an example for you: Someone (we’ll call him Frank, not his real name) created a YouTube video about how he goes about meditating […]