Double Your Sales THIS MONTH


Work 120 hours/week ALL MONTH LONG. That’s right, you read correctly – work 120 hours/week ALL MONTH LONG and see what happens.

I speak from experience – that’s what I did (20+ years ago) and it was the SINGLE BEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE.

Let me tell you what happens.

First, you’ll get though ALL your to do lists and will feel like a friggin’ hero.

Second, you’ll get to stuff that has been holding you back for weeks, months maybe even years.

Third, you’ll start to produce results you’ve never seen before BECAUSE you’re working 3 times more than anyone else or TWICE as much as someone putting in 60 hours/week.

Yeah, yeah I can hear you all the way over here…

“Life is to be lived – not to be worked.”

That is such a lame excuse and great REASON not to produce RESULTS.

BECAUSE what you don’t yet know (unless you’ve done it) is that at 120 hours/week, you get into a HYPER ZONE OF ACTIVITY THAT CAN’T BE EXPERIENCED ANY OTHER WAY.

I’ll give you a metaphor that will prove it to you – Have you ever driven 100 km/hr and then all of a sudden reduce your speed to 50 Km/hr and felt as though you could walk faster?

That is called perceptual contrast.

It’s the same thing with the 120 hours/week. 60 Hours/week is NOT ENOUGH CONTRAST – you have to go WELL BEYOND YOUR CURRENT LIMITS to LEARN the DISTINCTIONS OF SUCCESS.

Give it some thought – it’s NOT a lifestyle recommendation – it’s a TEMPORARY SUGGESTION.

Let me know if your ‘man or woman enough’ to give it a go.

Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault

Australia’s #1 Exponential Growth Strategist


What you are going to learn – IF YOU DO THIS, is where your time is wasted and how you can become MORE efficient and effective with your time. Your brain (and body) is going to get tired and will star to find EASIER, FASTER ways to get the SAME or MORE amount of work done WITHOUT compromising RESULTS.

The sports analogy is simple – I’ve been training/playing squash 2 hours/day for the last 2 weeks. Today, My partner had to leave ‘early’ and we only played for 1 hour. At the end of the hour, we both realised that it was the ‘easiest’ 1-hour of squash we have played in a long time.

Perceptual contrast – it’s massively powerful. Give it a go and post your comments on this blog – I’ll give you personal insights and suggestions offline if you do!

1 Response to “Double Your Sales THIS MONTH”

  • Hi Marc,

    I use this perceptual contrast philosophy all the time in my life too.

    The way I see things is that I feel I have done some fairly extreme things in my life so far such as…

    • Rowing training in preparation for Australian selection every morning at 4.30am and night at 7pm while working full time in IT and travelling to and from Melbourne and Geelong everyday for four years straight!

    • Rowing until my fingers bled… and then kept on rowing.

    • Pushing myself physically, mentally and spiritually to beyond what I ever thought possible.

    • Looking after myself in foreign countries on my own.

    • Starting a business and getting it completely up and running in 6 weeks on top of working full time in another job and sports training.

    • And ultimately facing my biggest fears, overcoming my weaknesses and staying on my right path in life…

    …Now nothing EVER seems quite as hard as any of this!

    I look forward to going all out again in my Life Coaching & Spiritual Guidance business for the next month to find easier, faster ways to get the same or more amount of work done without compromising my results!

    Live Your Life!


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