In a recent article in The Australian Financial Review, Hannah Tattersall highlighted that the casual Friday trend of showing up at work in jeans and a polo short has become another one of the casualties of the recession. Let me tell you why articles like this one is important for you to know as an Exponential Marketing Aficionado…
How To Get 20/20 Foresight
Everyone knows that hindsight is 20/20. But what if you could look INTO THE FUTURE and have 20/20 foresight?!?!
How much better would your marketing and sales be if you had 20/20 foresight?
At Exponential Programs, I teach my clients how to develop an Exponential Mindset that actually includes predicting…
Future trends, future expectations and future opportunities that no one else can see.
One of the ways to learn this skill – and believe me it’s a SKILL not a channeling of ghosts and spirits – is to read articles like the one I referred to and trigger your Reticular Activation System (RAS).
By reading an article like this, you’ll pick up sentences such as “It’s a psychological thing… dressing conservatively makes people feel safer as it projects commitment.”
That means that just by OBSERVING a crowd of business people, you can PREDICT the shift in general sentiment – BEFORE anyone else does..
Of course there are 5 or 6 other KEY lessons to be gained from an article like this and if you’re one of our Platinum Members, you’ll learn this priceless skill…
Of course it takes practice and there are tips and techniques to use to master this skill [this is what I teach my clients], but today’s post is to highlight that the ability to anticipate trends and shifts is right there, in front of you.
The only questions are:
- Will you see the opportunity before anyone else? And…
- Will you be able to take advantage of it?
If not, consider joining one of our programs and discover how much easier it is to PLAN a marketing campaign when you KNOW where the trends are heading WELL IN ADVANCE and you can get all your ducks in a row ready to POUNCE when the market is READY to BUY what you are selling!
Hi Marc,
As a past Business Mastery Platinum Program and a current Internet Mastery Platinum Program member who is attending your Advanced Business Mastery Event in Sydney this week, I must thank you for another wonderful day full of exponential, out of the box ideas.
While I have been at the event, we have had one prospect accept a quote I prepared prior to heading to Sydney, and we have had three further enquiries while I have been sitting and learning from you. I know that three doesn’t sound all that many, but for my business, the maximum number of new cleints we can currently take is three. Thanks to you, we have an 80% success rate when I meet with prospects, and … on Friday when I return, I have appointments with all three (one of which I beleive has already self selected, without even seeing a quote). Ka Ching.
Thanks for all of your exponential strategies. Keep up the outstanding work, see you tomorrow for Day 3.
Eat well. Eat safe!
Gavin Buckett
P.S. There are so many ideas that I am currently keeping two journals, one for my primary business, The Gourmet Guardian and the other for Carl’s Culinary Cuts, a business I have purchased since joining the program.