Your business is an extension of who you are and what you have worked towards for so long. Just like a child, a business needs cultivation and lots of time and energy to help it grow and thrive. While the early stages may be tiresome, hard work will pay off in the end if you […]
Tag Archive for 'Business Growth'
In a previous blog post, I touched on several foundational concepts that can help you to go from establishing motivation to creating momentum. Today, I want to focus on the catalyst, the initial trigger(s) that can help you start the process. First and foremost, to get moving, you need to overcome inertia. Inertia is defined […]
I am a huge fan of inspirational quotes and motivation messages, especially those that make you stop, think and re-assess where you are, where you are going or who you are and who you want to become. Without getting into too much existentialist psycho-self-analysis, this simple quote can be a life-changer if you take the […]
I recently created a short YouTube video (48 seconds) that highlights what you can do with the exponential power of the Internet. In less than 1 minute, I am able to introduce myself as The Exponential Growth Strategist, promote my 1 Percent Improvement Doctrine to help you get more done with less effort, and make […]
I love it when I learn my own lessons! I teach ambitious entrepreneurs and business executives how to find hidden opportunities in their businesses. Opportunities that are sitting right there, under there noses… That’s what happened to me today. I figuratively tripped across a 4-minute audio that I completely forgot I had in my archives […]
Today’s post will make you laugh. They were sent to me by David Cordover, from Chess Kids. Chess Kids provides the opportunity for all children to Build their Mental Muscles™ by learning and playing chess. It’s a great introduction to a special series of blog posts on branding that I have lined up for you. […]
Every year, we stage the Exponential Business Building Bootcamp which is 3 full-on days where entrepreneurs and business people get together to learn the best strategies that are proven and tested to work. Each time it’s staged, there is new content, examples and case studies from real Australian businesses just like yours. Case studies that […]
If you don’t already know, I am a competitive squash player, now ranked in the ‘top 20’ in the world in the Men’s 45-49 age category. I learned to play squash less than 10 years ago, have only played competitively for the past 5 years and have competed in less than 10 tournaments in my […]
Well it was bound to happen – we’d get caught on film having the time of our lives… at the 2009 Exponential Business Building Bootcamp. The few photos attached below are testimony to the great group we had – others had to leave to catch flights. (Note to self: take the photo midway when everyone […]
By now, you know I own the word antimimeticisomorphism – which is having fun doing out-of-the-ordinary things that create extra-ordinary results with the least amount of effort at the lowest cost. You can Google antimimeticisomorphism and all 400+ references are mine. That being said, you can also create an ACRONYM like Kellogg’s LCMs and leave […]
As a reader or subscriber to this blog, you’ve been receiving hundreds of exponential business building tips and techniques to help you better position your business so that you can achieve better sales and profits at the least cost possible. I know the value that I give in these blogs are priceless, but there is […]
In a recent article in The Australian Financial Review, Hannah Tattersall highlighted that the casual Friday trend of showing up at work in jeans and a polo short has become another one of the casualties of the recession. Let me tell you why articles like this one is important for you to know as an […]
The article below appeared in this week’s BRW Magazine. It’s a classic example of what you can do with an Exponential Mindset. I ripped out the page and was going to send it to Jason Chuang, a graduate of our Business Mastery Platinum Program. Then I caught myself and realised that you also need to […]
This is the first of a series of posts on sales strategies to get you to SELL MORE with LESS EFFORT. Disarmingly simple and straight to the point, each one is designed to help you get your 1 percent improvement from your sales activities and conversations. Let’s get started shall we? Transformational Vocabulary Sales Tip […]
I am about to raise the price of my 47 minute Recession Proofing Video Program from a bargain-basement $17 to $47 tomorrow… This is your last chance to get it for $17. $17 to recession proof your business, you have to admit that’s the steal of the year, which is why the price goes up […]
Metaphors are the best way to tell a story to make a sale. The more entertaining, engaging and captivating the metaphor, the more MEMORABLE it will be so people will REMEMBER it when it’s important – when they are ready to buy from you. Take a look at this new 3 minute YouTube Video I […]
If you’re a service business that is mandated to ‘do stuff’ for clients on an out-sourced basis and you get paid on an on-going retainer basis, you need to know the #1 reason people STOP buying from you or cancel their contracts… Chances are it’s because you keep them in the dark – I’ve talked […]
If you were like me, you were transfixed by the 2-year long campaign for the US Presidency. It amazed me how the ‘daily hype’ machine was able to remain ‘on message’ and how the discipline to that single strategy shifted the ground to eventually give Obama the victory. Being and staying ‘on message’ simply means […]
Even though I’ve written the book on how to Get The Best Results With The Least Amount Of Effort, today’s post is about going one step beyond the book the #1 reason people under-perform and don’t realise their full potential. If you haven’t yet bought my book Get The Best Results With The Least Amount […]
In a recession, the tactics and strategies you deploy are more important than in boom times when clients and money (profits) are ‘easy’ to come by… Today’s recession proofing tip can unlock sales that could be triggered within days. In this week’s The Economist Magazine (Jan 17, 2009) an article revealed that MORE people are […]