As I explain to my clients – a recession is the best, easiest and least expensive time to start or grow a business. At our Advanced Business Mastery and Exponential Business Building Bootcamp, I explain exactly WHY this is the case and HOW to leverage it. That is a discussion well beyond the scope of […]
Tag Archive for 'Recession'
I can’t hold back, I have to get this off my chest. In the past 2 to 3 weeks several people have been struggling to get stuff done. They KNOW what to do and HOW to do it, but can’t get it done… WHY? Because they have their mates doing it at “mates rates” which […]
In a recession, a lot of people will lose their jobs. If they have an Exponential Mindset, they’ll get another quickly, but during the transition, here are a few tips to make it easier to cope with one of the most stressful situations you’ll find yourself in. If you know someone who has lost his/her […]
I hear it all the time… If only the economy wasn’t so bad, I’d be able to find a job. Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn’t. What I can tell you is that if you follow the following exponential marketing strategies, you’ll be able to find that job a lot faster and easier. Recession Job […]
In a recession, the tactics and strategies you deploy are more important than in boom times when clients and money (profits) are ‘easy’ to come by… Today’s recession proofing tip can unlock sales that could be triggered within days. In this week’s The Economist Magazine (Jan 17, 2009) an article revealed that MORE people are […]
Today’s post is courtesy of Yvonne McIntosh, one of our Diamond Members. Her e-mail is self-explanatory, except that this kind of behaviour is one of the best recession-proofing strategies you and your team can engage in. This one was spontaneously responsive, but you could, if you wanted to, create this kind of value for your […]
Simple and easy things to do to recession-proof your business are explained at the link below… Take a few minutes to get re-energised and excited about your business – we all need some good news with the emotional roller coaster ride we’ve been reluctantly take on with the Market Meltdown… Onward and upward! Dr […]
Today’s post is about what separates Champions from Challengers, Challengers from Competitors, Competitors from Participants and finally Participants from Spectators. I am currently competing at the World Master’s Squash Championships in Christchurch, New Zealand and chronicling my exploits on my Personal Mastery Blog. Yesterday’s post discussed the ‘Kryptonite’ phenomenon in sufficient detail that I won’t […]
Just in case you thought my previous post on investing in turbulent times was a little off the beaten path, it was, but then again Warren Buffet and I don’t mind to be buying when everyone else is selling. Buy low, sell high. Easier said than done. Today’s article post is courtesy of Mark Richards, […]
If you have an Exponential Mindset™, you MUST ask yourself “What do sophisticated investors do in times of crisis like this?” I call it the Coma Investment Principle™ and it’s one of the 3 reasons I became financially independent at 42 years of age. Imagine you make a stock investment and as soon as the […]
You’re not alone. Just about everyone I’ve been talking to lately has been getting sick to their stomach – watching their Super Fund tanking and their shares devalued like never before. BUT I did say just about everyone… There are SOME people who see this situation differently as one of the BEST opportunities to create […]
We have all heard the news lately— The bear market is upon us… the bulls have gone home… Interest rates are going up in the US and ‘might’ come down in Australia… Housing starts in the US and Australia are way down… The sub-prime crisis in the US is not even close to being over… […]