Tag Archive for 'speed reading'

A Special Invitation – Exponential Quantum Reading

Today’s blog post is a special invitation to an event created exclusively for our most elite Platinum Program Members. Usually, you would never know this event occurred and would not get an invitation. I’ve decided to give you the opportunity to attend BECAUSE of the life-changing aspect of this one skill. As a reader of […]

Its not waht you raed, it’s waht you unedrtsand taht cunots

Getting e-mails to potential prospects today has become a pain in the %@$%!! There are spam and junkmail filters, whitelists, greylists, blacklists, you name it. Given the tough market out there, the torrential downfall of spamming, and hence the competition, an intentional Freudian slip of the tongue – or rather of the word, may after […]