Why Smart Business People Fail

In a previous blog post, I touched on several foundational concepts that can help you to go from establishing motivation to creating momentum. Today, I want to focus on the catalyst, the initial trigger(s) that can help you start the process. First and foremost, to get moving, you need to overcome inertia. Inertia is defined as “the predisposition for a body to remain in the state that’s it’s in.” That means if you are NOT moving, you want to remain still. If, however, you ARE moving, then you want to remain IN MOTION. Therein lies the first reward for taking action.

Once you GET moving, it’s easier to STAY moving.

 I know, I know… “Easier said than done”. Especially in the morning when you are lying in a warm, comfortable bed and the last thing you want to do is get up and go for a run, do exercise or get a head start on your day.

You have seen it first hand at the playground with a merry-go-round. The first pull is really hard, and then it’s effortless to keep it spinning. Success is just like that – it gets easier as you become (more) successful.

merry-go-round- first pullInertia is one simplistic answer that pop psychology likes to hone in on. I prefer to look a little deeper than the superficial factors that don’t provide much insight nor contribute to providing practical solutions.

One of the primary reasons people don’t do what they KNOW they should do is because of prior (negative) experiences. Yes, the psychological literature addresses a person’s predisposition towards positive affect (seeing the glass half full), self-efficacy (you think you can complete a task successfully) and self esteem, but those are all quite superficial and of marginal practical value.

Dont Look Back QuotePast failures are the #1 contributor to most people’s inability to take action on projects and opportunities that are (blatantly) beneficial to them. One of the most valuable lessons champions learn is that the past does not equal the future and past performance is NOT a predictor of future success.

Once again, and I apologise for repeating myself – “easier said than done.”

We need to fail to learn the difference between what works and what doesn’t. The quicker we fail, the quicker we learn the lessons and the faster we are able to turn our REASONS for not achieving into the RESULTS that we seek.

Simply stated:

We are reasons or we are results.

When you face the harsh reality of life, and really think about it, you’ll agree that when you don’t achieve a RESULT, there are REASONS. The more REASONS there are, the better. That is because there are MORE sources to solve the problem so you can achieve the desired RESULT.

Negative MindBut and there usually is a but involved – most people don’t want to face the truth and therefore kid themselves ignoring the REAL REASONS that deny them from achieving the RESULTS they seek and desire.

This is where self awareness becomes a key ingredient of extra-ordinary success.

A true champion (a super successful person) addresses these issues, one by one, removing the REASONS so the RESULTS can emerge, as if by magic.

But most people get discouraged with failures and shortcomings, get down on themselves and lose faith. The reason that it is so pervasive is that without the proper coaching, mentoring or assistance, more (wrongly directed) effort is futile.

Here is a new twist to the glass half empty or full question that I thought would be appropriate to introduce to you.


How heavy is this glass?

At first glance, you might guess 200 to 500 grams and you’d probably be right – technically. But if the question is metaphorical, it depends… glass-half-full

  • If you hold the glass for a minute there is nothing to be concerned about.
  • If you hold it up for an hour, then your arm will be very sore.
  • If you hold it up for a whole day, then the pain will be excrutiating.

And yet the weight of the glass did not change, but its heaviness certainly did.

The metaphor is simple: if you carry your past (negative baggage) with you, the longer you hold on to it, the heavier it gets and the more pain it causes you…

Think about it…

Flat TireThis compounding effect is devastating to the person who just does not know any better. The great thing about living in a developed country is that the tools for success are within EVERYONE’S reach.

For example, I have published over 4,000 pages of FREE content on my blogs.

Anyone with an Internet connection can access business building, career advancement and personal development tips, tricks and techniques at NO COST.

Of course, the Internet is filled with priceless and timeless data and information. But without a framework, it remains impotent – neutral, often useless.

You need a framework, a strategic intent that first creates a catalyst or trigger to get things going and growing and then an approach to maintain and build the momentum.

But and there’s that much hated word again – but… without a DECISION, nothing happens.

There is a saying that it is in our moments of decision that our destiny is shaped, however I, without meaning to be cynical, think it’s more a case of:


“It is in our moments of indecision that are dreams are destroyed” — Dr Marc Dussault


I have seen too many people hesitate, procrastinate and essentially self-sabotage their careers and business outcomes due to fear of making a decision. Fear of taking a stand. Fear of raising the bar. Fear of taking a chance (on themselves). Fear of creating the potential outcome that is within their reach – their ultimate destiny.

Take-The-First-StepOne of the key reasons is a concept called “perfect information”. If you Google it, you’ll end up on Wikipedia with the Game Theory explanation “perfect information describes the situation when a player has available the same information to determine all of the possible games (all combinations of legal moves) as would be available at the end of the game.”

Real life never provides “perfect information” so expecting it is a recipe for certain disaster and disappointment. Perfectionists and procrastinators seek this “perfect information” and get caught in the analysis paralysis paradox, a self-fulfilling vortex with no way out.

So where does that leave most people?


Stuck in the predicament they are in. Stuck in their mindset. Stuck in their current reality.


Without the desire, drive and determination to get UNSTUCK, they repeat the patterns of the past, over and over and over again.

The ONLY solution is to BREAK THAT PATTERN.

Here are easy ways to get UNSTUCK:

  1. Accept that perfect information does not exist and start moving forward WITHOUT knowing what the second step is. The first step will reveal it to you, but only once you’ve taken it. Break the vicious circle by taking the first step.
  2. You do not need to know ALL the steps to a destination to get there. You just need to know you WANT to get there and take the first step.
  3. Get advice from people who have achieved what you want to accomplish. You wouldn’t ask your car mechanic to cut your hair, so be careful WHO YOU TAKE ADVICE FROM!
  4. Remain committed to your outcome, or change it (your outcome or goal) if you must. Nothing worth achieving will come easy. Accept that otherwise don’t waste your time.
  5. Recognise that momentum, once created, is easy to maintain and build upon. You have seen it first hand at the playground with the merry-go-round. The first pull is really hard, and then it’s effortless to keep it spinning. Success is just like that – it gets easier as you become (more) successful.

For all of this to ‘happen’ – you need a BIG REASON to do ‘it’. You need something bigger than yourself, more important than “just making money”. You need to pick something that means something to you, resonates within you. Pick something that once achieved, will change your life and/or the lives of others you care about. You need a purpose.

When you find that “purpose” you will have the fire in the belly to get started. With that initial motivation and enthusiasm you will create the catalyst for change and the momentum will build from there to help you achieve your dream(s).

Without that “purpose”, you are impotent, stagnant, inert, blasé, bland, indifferent, STUCK.

Create the catalyst and you will soar to greater heights than you ever previously imagined… and you will embrace pushing yourself…

I’ve already published an extensive post on Victims and Martyrs that you can refer to.

Without being too much of an idealist, I believe that (almost) everyone can achieve their ultimate destiny – but – the number one thing that prevents that from happening is their inability to resolve the REASONS that prevent them from achieving the RESULTS they desire.

It really is as simple as that.

Don't look backSuccess is really not complicated, it comes down to wanting it bad enough for a reason important enough and then doing whatever it takes to make it happen.

Of course there is a HARD way and an EASY (Exponential) way…

It’s your decision…


1 Response to “Why Smart Business People Fail”

  • Life is great in Australia, it is not until a male is usually 35 yrs young that he realizes he isn’t getting ahead as far as he anticipated.

    This is the time when DREAMS are within your grasp or have slipped away.

    If you’re in the building industry, you are surrounded with challenges to get your just return, and it all seems too difficult, everybody has their angle.

    This the point when third person support is absolutely necessary to move forward to believe in the DREAM being reachable and helping you on that path to ensure you reach your destination and if not the ultimate goal, at least get further than you would on your own.

    Everybody needs a mentor.

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