A little more than a week ago, I was on stage in Sydney at the 2008 Exponential Internet & Business Building Bootcamp… On the Wednesday we focused on taking what I call “Your Next Best Step™”.
The Next Best Step™ for anyone is the easiest, least expensive and fastest thing you can do to create IMMEDIATE RESULTS.
It’s not more complicated or complex than that. UNLESS YOU MAKE IT SO.
For example, if you can’t thing of any other strategy, why not send your INACTIVE clients a “We Miss You” letter? Tell them you miss them and let them know all the things you’ve done since they last ordered from you. List them as DETAILED BULLET POINTS… If you attended the Bootcamp – TELL THEM. TELL THEM what you learnt that will help you help them…
For example:
- I attended Dr Marc Dussault’s Exponential Internet & Business Building Bootcamp to learn strategies to as he calls it “Compress my Pathways To Profits™” which for you means ME CREATING MORE VALUE FOR YOU THAN EVER BEFORE!
- One of the things I’ve done immediately following the Bootcamp is change my voicemail message – call me and have a listen to it – I know you’ll agree it’s amazing. That has already saved me 15 to 20 minutes a day. I can now get to work on YOUR issues instead of playing telephone tag all day.
- Another thing I’ve done is started a blog and registered it with www.AustralianBlogs.com.au. With the blog, I’ll be able to communicate with you informally on a regular basis about important stuff that’s relevant to you.
- We’ve renovated our showroom to make sure you’re more comfortable when you visit us.
- We sent our team of customer service reps to Anthony Robbins’ Firewalk seminar so they can ‘step up’ to the next level and offer you more personalised service tailored to your specific needs. We do this every year and this year is the last year he’s doing it in Australia, so next year we’ll be sending them overseas for this vital training that has contributed to our winning 7 customer service awards over the past 5 years!
- Two of our technicians have become MCSE accredited – following 2 3-hour exams that 25% of people fail on their first attempt – we’re committed to making sure our team maintains it’s expertise and has the answers to all your questions!
- We’ve purchased a new black box LCD2000 Model machine that outperforms the previous model by 56% “X”, reducing production time by 23% so that you get a better output/result “Y” the same day instead of having to wait to get it overnight.
- We’ve added 3 new car park spaces for you – we rent it from the garage next door because we know it’s important for you to come in and out quickly when you are dropping something off or picking it up – that’s how much we care – your time is important to us!
You get the idea… The more you tell them, the better!
Of course you need a call to action – to get them to do business with you – that could be a promotional product, a new bundle or a workshop or presentation for them to attend…
Which brings me to another Next Best Step™ idea EVERYONE can use.
Invite your clients to attend a ‘VIP Evening’ at your offices with something of value that you can tell/teach them. For a jeweler, that could be the 4 Cs of choosing a diamond and/or how to value opals and other precious and semi-precious stones.
You could have a wine tasting event with a local vineyard and have a sommelier there as the ‘attraction’… You could hire a magician or other ‘act’…
I am sure you can be creative – the point being that be getting clients to come to you, your sales HAVE TO INCREASE. Plus there are lots of people who WON’T ATTEND, BUT WILL THINK OF YOU AND PLACE AN ORDER SOONER.
You have nothing to lose, everything to gain…
Why not give it a try?
Onward and upward!
It’s often the simplest and easiest things that can be done TODAY that can make the BIGGEST difference.
Many people wait to ‘create a complex strategy’ that never gets deployed instead of doing what could have been done in MINUTES.
The We Miss You letter or e-mail is a one-hour investment – don’t aim for perfection – Remember “Perfection is the Poison of Profitability”. The VIP Evening is a 3-hour investment followed by the 3-hour evening session.
Do you want 101 “Next Best Steps that you can deploy in your business right away?”
Post a comment on this blog telling me WHY you want it and I’ll send it to you. How’s that for a deal? Make sure your comment is appropriate for public view since I will make it public for all to see once I moderate and accept it.
I want the 101 Next Best Steps because I can immediately match it up to my Next Best Steps that I regularly log in to my Next Best Step Mind Map that I keep on my MacBook Air Desk Top so that I see it first thing when I switch it on each day. I can then see what I have missed and take further action.
I would like to receieve the 101 Next Best my Steps because I want more ideas that I can implement into the planning of my business. I have already created a blog, purchased domain names, changed my phone message (which by the way is saving me at least an hour a day), started mindmapping my future ideas with mindjet and the list goes on…….The ball is rolling and I need more next best step idea’s………
I can guareentee I will make good use of your gift!
Ka- Ching Ka-Ching Ka-Ching!!
PS: Thank you for an incredible experience at the 2008 Bootcamp!
All the best!
Aleisha Haslemore
The Ultimate Edge International
Platinum Business Mastery Participant
I would like to receive ‘101 Next Best Steps’ because, as I am one to make things complicated, having one list with simple but smart ideas, will allow for me to keep getting back to 1% daily-one step at a time. Laminating the list and using it as my mouse pad, will keep it in constant view.
Hi Marc, we need the 101 Next Best Steps so we can get our business ideas on autopilot to allow us the time and resources to give our disabled daughter a quality of life that others usually take for granted.
John & Anna Kohlbach
Platinum Internet Mastery Students
Kohlbach Electronics
I would love to receive “101 Next Best Steps” as since bootcamp I have realised I was on the wrong track, and I am now in the process of constructing a new website, joined”Your Face”, “My Space” and You Tube (yet to get a video up), however the change since bootcamp is a complete turn around, and I need all the help I can get to keep progressing forward at least 1% daily.
Thank you for a fantastic three days in Sydney
Ian King
“Love Life More”