This is the second in a series of comics, the first installment was about missed opportunities. This one’s about making the most of the opportunities that present themselves.
For some comics and cartoons might appear to be juvenile, silly or even immature, but the reality is that humour gives us the chance to laugh at ourselves within a safe context. It allows us the opportunity, in this case to reassess what we want and why we want it — and ultimately IF we want “it”.
These are deep, profound questions that humour does not dismiss but rather lightens the load for us.
The throw away phrase is that “life is too short to be too serious”. I agree. I also agree that with humour, we have another dimension for self-awareness and self-discovery.
It’s one of my foundational principles of my coaching and mentoring philosophy.
If nothing else, enjoy the comics, otherwise contact us when you’re ready. We’ll show you how you can have fun growing your business.
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