Facebook A Mirror To The World

I need to say this – Social Networking sites are a mirror of who you are to the entire world. I know you think it’s private, but it’s not. I don’t have time to get into the details, other than to say that the image you project on these sites can be killing your career, business and sales. I just can’t believe the stuff people post on there. Without naming names, there are a handful of people that I have seen post stuff that has totally ‘turned me off’ and in one case lose total respect for that person. I thought she was a professional only to have her reveal herself as an infantile, insecure and self-absorbed person that I would never want to be associated with.

I realise that this is an extreme case, but others are destroying what little ‘persona’ and brand they have by offending or otherwise diluting any social equity they might have built up – then they wonder why they are unemployed or otherwise struggling in business or their careers…

That’s all I really have to say about it in a public forum like this – I just needed to get that off my chest – I’ve just seen too many examples in the past 2-3 weeks to stay silent.

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