It’s a fact.
E-mail opens and clicks have been falling, as fewer consumers worldwide are opening marketing e-mails, according to a November 2008 study.
The study conducted by MailerMailer found that the average marketing e-mail open rate fell to 13.20% in the first half of 2008, compared with 16.11% in the first half of 2007. Click rates also fell, from 3.18% in the first half of 2007 to 2.73% in the first half of this year.
Interestingly, some industries had higher open rates for their marketing e-mail, with banking/finance, religious/spiritual, government and telecommunications having more success than other verticals.
Shorter or longer subject lines?
As revealed in previous studies, shorter subject lines performed better than longer ones.
Subject lines of less than 35 characters yielded an average open rate of 19.6% and a 3.1% average click rate. E-mails with subject lines of 35 or more characters drew average open rates of 14.8% and average click rates of 1.9%.
As the most-established digital marketing tactic, e-mail may lack the glamour of other flashier methods, but savvy marketers continue to prize e-mail when it comes to producing bottom-line results.
So don’t despair if fewer e-mails are being opened – it’s not you – it’s a trend that affects MOST marketers…
Of course if you want to BUCK THE TREND, you could always act antimimeticisomorphically adopting Killer Kopywriting™ strategies that get MORE people to OPEN more e-mails and click through MORE and buy MORE…
Our next Killer Kopywriting™ Workshop is coming up in early 2009.
On December 6, in Melbourne I’ll be teaching people how to BUCK THE TREND using special techniques and strategies that our most elite Platinum Members deploy on an on-going basis to produce results that you guessed it… BUCK THE TREND at the one-day Internet Millionaire Marketing Day. Call us on 1800 626 204.
Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault
Australia’s #1 Exponential Growth Strategist
I have 6 projects/initiatives being deployed behind-the-scenes while ‘everything shuts down’ so that when it does turn back ‘on’, I’ll be ready with marketing guns blazing.
I call it Exponential Gap Management – it’s one of the many skills I teach our Platinum Members. How to leverage ‘down time’ that everyone else wastes so that you in fact MULTIPLY your productivity without working more.
Sound pretty cool? I think so. In fact it’s called Voluntary Simplexity™ and it’s part of my new Personal Mastery curriculum that will become integral to my new Personal Prosperity Planning System™.
But that’s a discussion for my Personal Mastery Blog in 2009.
Marc, thanks for the post mentioning our report. One other finding was that emails are getting opened sooner – nearly one-third of all opens now occur within the first two hours of delivery. This is likely due to emails being read on mobile devices more frequently than ever before. Your readers can download the full report at
All the best,
Raj Khera, CEO
Thanks for the follow-up and clarification. I’ll make sure I tell our Platinum Members to download the report.