Get MORE Traffic to your site or blog with NO EFFORT

It’s amazing how many people I run into, I give them advice and suggestions and 2, 3 or 4 months later we meet up again and they haven’t done a thing.

They make ‘it’ more complicated than it needs to be.

They need to STOP IT!

Watch this classic YouTube video that explains what I’m talking about and then I’ll give you the Exponential insight that produces REAL RESULTS FOR YOU WITH NO EFFORT.

Now that you’ve watched the video, two things have happened:

  1. You came or I sent you to this blog post which means my site is getting the traffic ‘credit’ for your visit. If I sent you the YouTube URL instead, you’d go straight to youTube and I would not benefit from the ‘traffic credit’ that I could have had.
  2. As you are on this blog, watching the video for more than 6 minutes, it means I am creating VALUE for you and Google and other search engines ‘know that’ therefore my ranking improves as do the words on my blog in RELEVANCE to other SIMILAR pages. That means I ‘bump off’ my competitors and sneak my way up the Google page, one click at a time.

The message of this blog post is two-fold. First – STOP doing the things that don’t serve you and second, start doing things that reward you incrementally and exponentially.

Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault
The Exponential Growth Strategist

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