Yesterday, I blogged about how online lead generation was quick and easy, with a LIVE example. Today is a follow up with two parts.
The first part is how Lynn Gilmartin had a fabulous experience floating and video blogged about it. Inner Outer Health is a client of ours and its owner, Lena Yammine was gobsmacked when she saw the video as was I. You have to take a look at the video, it’s so natural, authentic and genuine – Lena could not have paid for a better testimonial!
Click on the image or on the hyperlink to see Lynn Gilmartin’s video on her Floatation Tank Experience.
The lesson here is that we tech our clients Exponential Marketing Strategies that are based on high-integrity, long-term value creation principles that once adopted, become exponential due to the sheer force of the Law Of Attraction. Paying it forward reaps dividends for months, years and decades to come.
One of the problems with modern life and technology is that “some” people forget we are still HUMAN and still act and react as humans do…
A testimonial like the one Lynn created for Lena is literally PRICELESS.
I am sure, after visiting Lynn’s website she totally gets it. I mean c’mon – read about her amazing journey… WOW!
Isn’t it amazing how “some” people get this stuff and others struggle?
The reason for my blog post today is to SHOW you how you can get new leads by adding value and leveraging the Internet as a HUMAN CHANNEL, to communicate with your audience. As you do that, you WILL reap the benefits, one click, one client at a time.
If you want to learn how you can start to attract more ideal clients like Lynn to YOUR business – have a look at a bundle we put together for you to help you generate more online leads effortlessly.
Once you do that, you’ll fully grasp the value of the FREE BONUS that resides on the next page…
Part two: If you don’t have the benefit of a great testimonial for your products or services, you can still use something that is relevant to your audience.
This video is hilarious but relevant to you as a prospective client.
Now that you’ve had a good laugh, let me take you through the Exponential Strategies involved.
- You are on my blog. I have several blogs… If this didn’t work, why would I have so many?!?!
- You are reading my content, so we are establishing a connection – a HUMAN connection.
- That connection is enhanced by a story – Lynn’s testimonial for The Floatation Tank in Melbourne.
- It is further embellished with the quality of Lynn’s video and further improved with the link on her personal journey.
- You can’t ignore the value created for Lena and wish you had clients do this for YOU and YOUR business.
- I can help you do that – this list PROVES it to you.
- I didn’t stop there, I added the FEW CREATIVE MEN YouTube Video because it’s funny and I know that having FUN is essential to success.
- If you want to have fun building your business, then you will contact us.
- If you are adept at Internet Marketing, you’ll notice I used the read more buttons to get you to click on more than one page. This shows Google that people are interested in what you are writing, visiting MULTIPLE pages per visit instead of “bouncing off” the page they landed on.
- Admittedly these are all small things, but they add up to make a BIG difference. If you are a small business with an equally small sales and marketing budget, chances are you want to make the most of what you have in time, money and resources. The Internet Marketing Strategies we teach are ALL leveraged to make sure you do get the MAXIMUM bang for the MINIMAL bucks.
When you have an authentic approach to business, you can do amazing things.
Being authentic is one of Inner Outer Health priority. I believe if you are
authentic you are more likely to attract authentic people both in your business and personal life. I was blessed to have Lynn Gilmartin post a video blog about her floatation tank experience here at Inner Outer Health. I can’t thank her enough for creating this FREE Lead! These are some of the strategies that Dr Marc Dussault from Exponential Marketing Strategies teaches his clients.