Today is the first and therefore Inaugural Annual Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp event, held in Melbourne at the Marriott Hotel. If you aren’t in the room, we’re actually missing you. That’s because the concept of the event, based on the classic Exponential Business Building Bootcamp fine tuned and refined over the years takes the Internet to a whole new level. This is NOT a salesfest that many promoters call ‘Bootcamps’ with never-ending sales pitches from stage.
This is a 100% value-packed 3 days, 36 hours where I will present more than 1,200 slides, show 3 mini ‘movies’ and speak over a quarter million words as I present the content and deal with over 200 questions from the participants!
Now that’s a LOT of content!
In fact, the average person takes over 50 pages of notes and gets so brain full that by the end of it all, they will never again be taken to the cleaners by whiz kid webmasters who don’t know what they’re doing.
That’s one of the GREAT benefits of this Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp – not just learning WHAT YOU CAN DO, but no longer listening to the B.S. tech wizards who just want to fleece your bank account.
The MORE you know , the less they can get away with their lies.
I know that sounds biased and I am. There are just too many people out there who are leaving it up to ‘SEO and WEB specialists’ and just absolutely and totally being taken to the cleaners.
But guess what? If you don’t know any better – you deserve it.
If you don’t want to get fleeced, then you need to learn what works, what doesn’t and WHY.
That’s what this Bootcamp is all about. I’m not trying to sell you into it, because it’s actually sold out and it’s too late for you anyway. It started when this blog post was published and sent to you. In fact, as you read this, I am introducing a new technology that will revolutionise how our clients Kommunicate with their Klients in what we Kall Killer Konversations™.
We don’t just teach our clients what to do and NOT do, we also put them in contact with the latest technologies and partners who can do things better and usually at a lower cost than their competitors – but unless you’re in the room, you never get access to that information.
That’s why we miss you.
We know that as the day progresses and we show you how to get tons of traffic to your website – you’re going to feel just like this guy does….
How To Get New Leads And Prospects
This is the theme of Day 1 of the Bootcamp – getting website visitors to jump in your boat.
Just imagine what it would be like to have THAT MANY people coming to your website?!?
This is what the Bootcamp is like – ALL DAY LONG. Participants realising that this can and will happen to them and their websites.
One client invested $1,000 and within 3 days had a site that last week produced 22 leads or $3,000 of PAID CONTRACTS that’s $12,000/month and over the past 7 months has produced more than $60,000 of SALES – want to hear the best part? This website totally sucks – any web designer will tell you that. But you know what? The owner of the site runs a BUSINESS that is focused on PROFITS not trying to win ‘graphic design awards’…
If this is resonating with you – stay tuned for tomorrow’s blog post on Day 2 of the Bootcamp!
Hi Marc,
as someone who attended today, everything you have said is spot on. And it applies in general across all industry types and product and service categories.
As someone who runs a Melbourne based Engineering Services company delivering Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development services to Australian Electronics Manufacturers, I wasn’t initially expecting this to be as relevant and applicable to our business as it might be to a company selling online eBooks or widgets, but I was completely wrong.
There are 2 sides to this coin. You avoid doing things that were never going to work which saves both time and money, but it also shows me how to know if web developers and Google AdWords campaigners actually know what they are doing, not from a technical perspective only, but from the perspective that really matters, either leads or sales or both.
Can’t wait for day 2.
Ray Keefe
Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd