Today is the second day of the Inaugural Annual Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp event, held in Melbourne at the Marriott Hotel. I already said we missed you in yesterday’s post, today, you should be missing us because you’re missing out.
Yesterday went until 9 PM , with the Unique Selling Proposition Workshop that is like having a client magnet so that people who want and need your product and services find you and those you don’t want to waste your time with are repelled by it – saving you time, money and expense that you can invest in the clients YOU WANT!
Today’s content is about getting other people to grow your online business empire for FREE – one of the marketing myths I will deal with is that affiliate programs don’t work and social media is revolutionising online communications, but not the way most people think it is.
That alone will shock some people, which is great because you can only get EXTRA-ORDINARY RESULTS by doing things that are OUT-OF-THE-ORDINARY…
That’s why this Bootcamp is Exponential and not just another event. I cover stuff no one else knows about. I use REAL CASE STUDIES – NOT about people making MILLIONS on the Internet because YOU’RE NOT GOING TO BE THE NEXT INTERNET MILLIONAIRE.
I know that, and the sooner you realise that, the better.
My clients don’t want to try to make MILLIONS on the Internet in their underpants.
My clients understand it takes time, money and effort to build a business empire and YES you can make money 24/7/365 WHILE you sleep, but not by trying to become the next Information Product wannabe success story…
What I teach at the Bootcamp is practical stuff anyone – INCLUDING you can apply – usually for FREE – but always at a fraction of the alternative – but here’s the best bit.
You can do it without hiring an IT geek or nerd!
Imagine that – building an online empire with NO STAFF. Say it with me…
So that’s what we’re talking about all day and night because we’re going straight to 9 PM again tonight. No breaks EXCEPT for lunch and dinner.
This is an intense-take-no-prisoners=we-want-to-learn-as-much-as-possible event like no other.
And it gets better – Day 3 is tomorrow – what could we possibly do NEXT?
That’s a hint!
Day 2 continues on with the relentless revelations. One of your points about Internet Marketing really struck home. A lot of people are making more money telling others how to do it that the others ever make from trying what they were told.
And I realise I have been looking at so much of this backward. I was thinking that we are a service company providing customised Engineering Services in New Product Development and that a business that did Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development would not be a great fit for this stuff. I was wrong. Anyone can use this. You just need to work out your outcome first.
It’s just like developing a new product:
– what do you want
– what are the requirements
– work out how will you meet these requirements
– implement / manufacture
– deploy / ship
This stuff works the same:
– what is the Internet outcome you want
– be specific about how much and by when
– work out the best approach based on these Exponential Internet Business Building Strategies
– get the website(s) and/or mailing lists and/or AdWords Campaigns in place
– publish and/or start campaign
In our case we want Australian Electronics Manufacturers who want new products for production to find us so that we can deliver this to them. So it’s leads we want from companies that can benefit from our Electronics, PCB and Software Design capabilities. This way we get to deliver the New Product Designs they need and they get to improve their profitability by having products they can make in Australia at a much better profit that before.
It is the ultimate Win – Win.
Ray Keefe
Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd