Keeping your brand in the forefront of people’s minds

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The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc with most businesses. The pandemic has posed countless challenges and it can feel exhausting trying to overcome each one as it’s presented to you. Now, running a business has never been easy. But right now, it can feel like you’re constantly treading water to stay afloat. The main two problems that most businesses are facing is that people either don’t have the money to spend with their brand (through job loss, reduced working hours or reduced salaries) or simply don’t want to spend money on any non essential goods (as people want to save in case they lose their jobs, face reduced hours or have to agree to reduced salaries). Right now, you may not be able to generate significant sales and profit, no matter how hard you market your brand. But this doesn’t mean that you simply put your business on hold for the foreseeable future. Instead, you’re going to have to maintain customer interest and customer relationships so that people will be the first in line to buy from you when they do experience better financial times. Brand awareness and brand engagement are going to prove key to your business’ success over the upcoming months. Here are a few steps you can take to keep your company in the back of people’s minds until the time is right!

Entice Sales

Of course, you may need to generate some sales in order to create sufficient profit to keep afloat. To achieve this, you’re really going to have to entice consumers. This may include doing things that you wouldn’t usually. Significant sales tend to be the best way to get even reluctant people to part with their cash. Sure, this means you won’t make as much on your merchandise as usual. But it means you will generate something. Just make sure there’s still a sufficient profit margin to make it worth it!

Continue Sending Marketing Emails

You need to continue sending engaging content in your marketing emails. Marketing mails are literally designed to keep your brand in the back of consumers’ minds and are often successful at this. Rather than sales based mails, really focus on pure useful content. This will prevent people from being scared away by the concept of having to buy something and will encourage them to simply engage with your brand and see it in a positive light. Emails can be encouraging and direct people to your site’s blog. This way, you get people onto your site where they can then go on to browse other areas, but will feel like they’re doing so of their own accord, rather than being pushed straight to product pages.

Engage on Your Website

Have fun elements on your website that will keep people on your website. A Virtual photo booth is a good idea. People love taking pictures of themselves and editing them. The photobooth allows them to do this and can encourage them to share the pictures they take (with your branded logo added) with others, then encouraging others to visit your site too. Getting people engaging with your site makes it more likely that they will then take a look around your products and potentially make purchases. At the very least, it gets people to create positive associations with your brand, making them more likely to purchase with you in the future.

Maintain an Engaging Blog

As we’ve briefly highlighted earlier, you may want to direct people to your website’s blog. Blogs are extremely important nowadays. Not only can they help your site with SEO optimisation, but they can deliver genuinely useful content to your potential customers too! Make sure to fill your blog with regular, useful content. People may become regular readers, which will make visiting your page a part of their regular routine. They’ll enjoy your content, creating positive connections between your business and them in their mind. It also encourages them to browse your goods regularly. This can boost sales and see you generate more profits!


Of course, there are countless other things you can do to drive brand awareness and brand engagement. But hopefully, the above digital options can easily be carried out during these unprecedented times and can help to keep your brand in the back of customers’ minds when they’re unlikely to buy. This is all so important to keep in mind as we advance towards a recession – people having positive associations with your brand could really help your company to survive the upcoming months!

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