Linked In Strategy You Might Not Know About

Today’s post is about a little known Linked In tool you might want to consider, it’s called the Reading List – it’s a list of books that you’re reading that LinkedIn maintains within your profile. With a 5,000 word comment field, I am sure there is a lot that can be done with it.

I am currently testing it with my first submission with a blatant self-promotional comment that I will edit later on.

I often take notes and extract distinctions that I could quite easily place here and refer to – the question is whether or not LinkedIn will make it easier to access that list in the future…

For the time being, this is a ‘new’ option to consider if you’re looking for that extra 1 percent improvement.

If you don’t know what is, you really need to subscribe to one of our Memberships, you can start off with the least expensive program, the Internet Mastery Silver Momentum Membership for $97/month simply because NOT knowing this is costing you MORE than $97/month in lost sales, leads and FREE traffic.
Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault

The Exponential Growth Strategist


If you’re keen to improve by MORE than 1 percent, you’ll want to check out another Linked In strategy I highlighted on that explains how to post your blog on

As you can well see, each 1 percent improvement on its own is quick and easy. The thing is that it all adds up to FREE traffic that ends up buying from you BECAUSE they know you exist and have something of value to offer.

If they don’t find you, they can’t buy from you.

2 Responses to “Linked In Strategy You Might Not Know About”

  • Hi Marc,
    I’m a bit behind in terms of digesting your torrent of daily emails, but I’ve just finished with the 4 part series on LinkedIn. I thought you might like to know my results – I’m well impressed, hope you are too!

    I started 24 hours ago with 49 connections, and 440,000 contacts. After following your exact advice, within two hours I jumped to 6 million contacts, and now 24 hours later, I’m sitting here looking at 732 connections and almost 14 million contacts – that’s about 1/2 of the total LinkedIn community!!

    Whoo Hooo!

    Now, if i can only work out what to do with these connections and contacts, and squeeze some value from them, I’ll be even happier!

    Have a safe and happy Xmas,

  • Mark,
    There is a fifth part to the series which you get when you give me a recommendation on LinkedIn… Plus there will be lots of additional insights included in your Membership PLUS secret bonuses!!!

    Stick with the program and TRUST THE PROCESS – you’ll soon see MAGIC HAPPEN!


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