I just realised I took it for granted that you know I have MULTIPLE BLOGS…
One of my most prestigious clients didn’t know I launched my Personal Mastery Blog a few weeks ago…
So this post is to make sure you know I have multiple blogs so you don’t miss the 1% idea that might uncover a $1,245, $3,697 or $16,788 windfall for you…
Click here if you want to achieve Personal Mastery and unlock your Exponential Potentialâ„¢.
Click here if you are into blogging for profits. I am a contributing blogger on www.AustralianBlogs.com.au.
Click here if you want to get the Best Business Results With The Least Amount Of Effort.
I don’t duplicate the content I post and make sure each post is congruent and relevant to the target audience of that blog. I suggest you subscribe and determine for yourself if you want to have that ‘conversation’ with me and choose to opt-out rather than not opt-in and miss out on what could make a difference to you.
This is my 1 percent improvement for today.
Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault
Australia’s #1 Exponential Growth Strategist
Of course my ADDITIONAL 1 percent improvement over the next few days will be posting this message on my other blogs so the readers of those blogs know about this one!
Here is your 1 percent improvement idea for today…
What can YOU think of that some of YOUR clients might not know about what you’re up to?
It’s the easiest and fastest 1 percent improvement you can do right now to improve your results.
The NEXT 1% is to get MORE TRAFFIC to your site by posting comments on my blogs.
This is TOTALLY free. When you do add these comments, make sure you include a backlink to your site that people can click on to see what you’re all about.
Make sure this backlink is formatted as shown below.
Don’t make the comment a self-serving advertisement – ADD VALUE to the original blog post so that the reader APPRECIATES and ACKNOWLEDGES your point of view and WANTS to check out who you are. If it’s a blatant ‘ad’, (1) I won’t approve it and (2) no one would click through anyway. That is NOT exponential.
Remember the cornerstone principle of an Exponential Mindsetâ„¢ – Create and GIVE MORE VALUE and you will be rewarded. If you violate this principle, you’ll waste time and simply won’t get any momentum started.
Be a LEADER which means LEAD BY EXAMPLE – do what works and be generous.
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