Tag Archive for 'Blog'

Traffic Building Tip

There are several reasons why you want to have a blog. You can review the recent posts on AustralianBlogs.com.au to find out what they are. With that being said, quite a few people have been excited about my blog posts, asking how to use them to their advantage. Here’s how: Traffic Building Tip


Linked In Strategy You Might Not Know About

Today’s post is about a little known Linked In tool you might want to consider, it’s called the Reading List – it’s a list of books that you’re reading that LinkedIn maintains within your profile. With a 5,000 word comment field, I am sure there is a lot that can be done with it. I […]


Make sure you subscribe to all my blogs

I just realised I took it for granted that you know I have MULTIPLE BLOGS… One of my most prestigious clients didn’t know I launched my Personal Mastery Blog a few weeks ago… So this post is to make sure you know I have multiple blogs so you don’t miss the 1% idea that might […]


Perfection is the Poison of Profitability

Today’s post is an e-mail I got from Dan in South Australia that is so valuabke that I had to share it with you. You’ll see my responses indented and in italics. On 11/17/2008 11:59 AM, “Dan XXXXX” <dan@xxxxxxxxx.com> wrote: Hello, I am interested in attending your internet marketing course however I have some questions […]


Have an Australian Blog? Get MASSIVE TRAFFIC from www.AustralianBlogs.com.au

Today’s post should get you excited if you have a blog. It’s courtesy of Christopher B. Marquis of www.AustralianBlogs.com.au. AustralianBlogs.com.au pumps your blog with extra visitors, people who’d probably never learn about your blog. But, if you want to make your blog the most popular one out there, this new traffic generation solution is a […]
