Tag Archive for 'Dr Marc Dussault'

Killer Kopywriting System: New Additions

I have been busy updating our products and services throughout the year and I wanted to point out this page to you in particular since I think Killer Kopywriting™, write copy that sells, is a Key Komponent™ of success. This new updated and revised page shows you the new Komponents™ of the Killer Kopywriting System™ […]


Internet Bootcamp Day #3

Wow, what an event it’s been – 24 hours over 2 days and people still want more. That’s because most events just give you information, the Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp is different because it leverages the Business Building Blueprint™ that I designed that helps people find the Next Best Step™ as they determine the Pathways […]


Internet Bootcamp Day #2

Today is the second day of the Inaugural Annual Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp event, held in Melbourne at the Marriott Hotel. I already said we missed you in yesterday’s post, today, you should be missing us because you’re missing out. Yesterday went until 9 PM , with the Unique Selling Proposition Workshop that is like […]


Internet Bootcamp Day #1

Today is the first and therefore Inaugural Annual Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp event, held in Melbourne at the Marriott Hotel. If you aren’t in the room, we’re actually missing you. That’s because the concept of the event, based on the classic Exponential Business Building Bootcamp fine tuned and refined over the years takes the Internet […]


Next week – Internet Marketing Bootcamp Previews in Sydney and Melbourne

I am in Melbourne on Monday night November 16 and back in Sydney on Tuesday night November 17  for the last series of previews for the 2009 Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp. Wondering if you should attend? Click the hyperlink to see the BONUS Google Adword MasterClass we’re staging. This is the a first-time ever reveal […]
