Tag Archive for 'Email Marketing'

Email Infographic – words to (not) use

This infographic has a lot of useful lessons for anyone using broadcast email marketing on an on-going basis.


Personalised Emails

According to a recent survey, personalised emails generated 42.7% more click-throughs on average to the web copy than non-personalised email. Personalised emails generated 403% more sales on average than non-personalised emails. Personalised emails generated 42.8% fewer un-subscribes on average than non-personalised emails. Should you expend the effort to personalize your emails? You should TEST to […]


Email Still Outperforming Social Media

A lot of people debate the pros and cons of Social Media, what I have come to call Social NOTworking – where people waste countless hours exchanging posts, chats, pokes, photos and other electronic elements with people they wouldn’t be caught dead with face-to-face. But that’s my personal bias AND I am not saying that […]


Email Marketing Acceptance Improving

As I have been saying for some time, attitudes toward email marketing are improving. Part of the reason is that opting out is easy and email marketers are now respecting people’s time more, so commercial ‘spam’ has been reduced by legislation and market forces. Forrester Research, one of the most prestigious and respected research organisations […]


The 7 habits of highly annoying emailers

I came across this insightful article by Dudley B. Dawson Below are seven habits that consistently appear at offices across the world. If you have additional examples, please feel free to provide them in the comments below. 1. Including email signatures that include credentials like “MBA” or “HRMS” after their name. Existing readers are well […]


Internet Marketing Is Getting Harder

If you’re stuggling to make a go of the Internet, you’re not alone. It’s been said that the top 5% make more than the other 95% COMBINED. That’s because they have what I call 20/20 foresight. I teach our Internet Mastery clients how to make the trend your friend, to catch the best wave and […]


Email Marketing Blunders To Avoid

Recently, a client wondered why they got a terrible response from an e-mail broadcast… Here are some of the e-mail marketing blunders committed that you want to avoid at ANY COST. Sure some of them seem obvious, but they are worth considering if you want to get the best results possible when executing email marketing […]
