Tag Archive for 'FaceBook'

Give up Facebook? Are you nuts? No, just happier

Another interesting study revealing the downside or social notworking apps like Facebook… Could you handle going cold turkey for a week? Hmmm…. What does that say about you? Your life, the quality of your relationships or lack thereof? I am not making a value judgment, just asking a few simple questions. The stronger your emotional […]


Things not to do on Social Media – Employee guidelines

Social networking websites have become a popular way to interact with people on the Internet. Thirty-five percent of adults on the Internet now have a profile on at least one social networking site, and 51 percent have more than one. Three-quarters of users between the ages of 18 and 24 have an online profile. Facebook, […]


Facebook Friends

This is from a parody Twitter account, but I thought it made the point quite succinctly: Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the cool table in a mental hospital.


Attention Business Owners – Stop Wasting Time With Facebook

Don’t just listen to what I have been saying for years, BRW Magazine’s recent headline speaks for itself… Click on the image to find out what your best Internet Marketing Options are.


Facebook pages for small business removed after unspecified complaint

As a reader and/or subscriber to this Internet Marketing Blog, you know I am not a fan of social media. Even though this is not a “I told you so” blog post, it is a forewarning. I cover issues like this with my clients – at events and workshops like the Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp […]


Facebook Profile Photos

I am not a fan of Facebook. This is one of the many reasons… People manipulating their online identities to be who they’re not, to have frriends they would NEVER think of inviting to their homes… I wanted to share this with you because it was funny if it wasn’t so true. I know too […]


Facebook Wall Of Shame Infographic

During my recent Business Blogging For Sales Lead Generation event tour in Adelaide, the Gold Coast, Melbourne and Sydney, participants heard a preview of my rant on Privacy Pirates which I’ve been proselytising about for quite some time. Karen Bonanno, a 2011 Exponential Entrepreneur Of The Year Award Winner, sent me the infographic below that […]


If Facebook existed years ago…

As you might already know, I am not a fan of Facebook. As Betty White proclaimed on NBC’s (US TV network) Saturday Night Live after a Facebook campaign created enough buzz to make it happen AND make it one of the highest rated shows ever… “I didn’t know what Facebook was… Now that I know […]


Twitter is for old people, work experience whiz-kid tells bankers

Andrew Powell from Montreal Canada sent me this article about a kid in the UK. What a global world we live in! This article busts wide open the myth that Twitter is popular with kids amongst others… Read on for an eye-opening challenge to popular held beliefs in this social networking phenomenon… The world according […]


Facebook A Mirror To The World

I need to say this – Social Networking sites are a mirror of who you are to the entire world. I know you think it’s private, but it’s not. I don’t have time to get into the details, other than to say that the image you project on these sites can be killing your career, […]


To FaceBook Or Not FaceBook?

Should I spend time on FaceBook? I get this question a lot. Here’s my answer… Time is our most valuable resource… If you’re having fun, that’s cool. But realise you’re having fun – not achieving your goals by chatting, tweeting and following other peoples’ lives… What would happen if you invested that much time into […]
