The easiest way to get more clicks is to WRITE your URL more legibly. will out-click will get MORE visitors than It is even more the case with long URLs like… and Make sure you use this simple, easy and free technique and watch your click-throughs improve INSTANTLY! Onward […]
Tag Archive for 'Internet'
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I hear it all the time… Even if I get people to my website, I can’t seem to get them to buy my product… Even though there are several possible reasons for this, the #1 mistake people make is forgetting that visitors need to be INFORMED and EDUCATED to buy. Let me give you an […]
As an Exponential Marketing Strategist, I am often asked if testimonials are as powerful as people claim they are. The answer is both yes and no. Yes if they include RESULTS and no if they don’t. If someone gives you a testimonial like “Marc is a great guy, he’s charismatic and really knows his stuff”. […]
Today’s exponential Internet post is a gift I shared with hundreds of participants of the 2008 Exponential Internet & Business Building Bootcamp. Go to and type in this blog and see what happens. Bootcamp participants were amazed at the 4 or 5 variations we used. One of them was the words to use […]
You read and/or watch the news just as much as I do. Everyone is saying the sub-prime crisis will only get worse, the global economy is slowing down, etc. So what does this mean for Internet Marketers? It’s not good. UNLESS you’re an Exponential Mindset™ enthusiast and are attending the SOLD OUT 2008 Exponential Internet […]
Today’s post should get you excited if you have a blog. It’s courtesy of Christopher B. Marquis of pumps your blog with extra visitors, people who’d probably never learn about your blog. But, if you want to make your blog the most popular one out there, this new traffic generation solution is a […]
I know you’re into the Exponential Mindset™ because you’re reading this! I also know you want to make more money with less effort. Next week, in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, I will be holding the 3rd and LAST series of the Exponential Wealth Creation Workshops. The workshops are priceless if you’re keen to stop working […]
Yes I know that the word bribe conjures up negative connotations and triggers a response… I also know that GETTING a response is one of the KEY success strategies of communicating on the Internet (and otherwise!). You are always better off to POLARISE an audience than you are to DULL them to sleep. How many […]
If the Internet is the easiest thing that is hard to do, then Quantum Physics is the easiest concept that’s hard to explain… A Quantum Change is described in detail in Wikipedia if you’re so inclined and are interested in the theoretical foundations of Schrödinger’s equations and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle then knock yourself out […]
I suggest you get yourself a cup of coffee or tea and get comfortable. Today’s post is going to be a classic. If you’ve been an Exponential Marketing Enthusiast™ on my database for some time, then you’ve seen the 10, 12, 16 or even 20 page e-mails I’ve sent. Now that I am blogging, I […]
The 3rd Annual Exponential Internet & Business Building Bootcamp is quickly approaching. That means we’re staging PREVIEWS in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane next week. Since you are a viewer and/or subscriber to this blog, I know you are predisposed to attend so just click here now to register. Onward and upward! Marc P.S. If you […]
We’re co-sponsoring an Internet survey with Marketing Results of Brisbane. This is one of the most extensive Internet Surveys of its kind to be done in Australia. It’s all about finding out where you stack up… Click here to take the survey now! If you don’t think you have 8 minutes to invest to learn […]
This has to be one of the most exciting developments on the Internet in quite some time. Go check out the annotations I’ve inserted in my YouTube videos. Click here to check out the newest YouTube Annotation functionality. The potential of this functionality is astounding – especially when they open it up completely! (An embedded […]
Go to it’s one of the site of Marta and Ruben Putrananda have as part of their Portfolio that they are growing as Internet Mastery Platinum Members. When you go, make sure you Stumble Upon it. Then, try to identify as many Exponential Marketing Strategies being used and also make a list of as […]
Want to know what the challenge is? Watch the 2 minute video. My response to Neville is… BRING IT ON MATE, BRING IT ON!!!! I am there, ready to jump right after you and RACE you to the ground!!!! If you want to join us, leave me a comment on this blog – we have […]
Today, I’m going to tell you all about an Internet site that gives you a whole new way to generate traffic to your site. It’s called StumbleUpon is a recommendation system which uses peer and social networking principles to promote webpages that its users approve of. It’s a word of mouth system – users […]