Technology – A liberator or enslaver?

I recently came across this image that even though it speaks for itself, it begs asking yourself the question:

Does technology liberate you or enslave you?

Dog Leash

I remember back in 1988 when I wanted to have a so-called cellular phone, which at the time was more of a battery with a handset attached to it. It cost a fortune back then and all it did was make and receive phone calls!

Uniden PhoneMy partner at the time was not a fan of cellular phones, so when I sat down with him to “negotiate” buying one, his response surprised me. He explained he didn’t want one because he would never get any peace.

I was launching a new business and had to be at the office all the time to make sure everything was running as it should – UNLESS I had a phone so the team could just call me, I was a slave to the business.

This was further emphasised to me while having dinner with my parents who (still) don’t like mobile phones.

I met my parents for dinner at a local restaurant with cellular (battery) in hand and was met with the “if you bring that thing in here, you have to turn it off…” To which I responded, “the only reason I can be here is because I have this with me. IF I am needed, my team will call and I will take the call outside, otherwise I can”t have dinner with you because I need to remain ‘available’.”

We had a great dinner and we were not interrupted with a call.

Since then I have always remained AWARE that technology is designed to SERVE us – not ENSLAVE us.

I wish more people understood the difference.

My partner and parents sure did/do!



2 Responses to “Technology – A liberator or enslaver?”

  • Albert Einstein Quoted: I fear the day when technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots.

  • It’s a good reminder there came a time in the second mobile phone’s life that it went on at 8am and off at 8pm – my advertised business contact hours – I started work at 7am and very occasionally clients would ring me in the evenings – but not on the brick – on the landline! Now on at 8am and off at 6pm, after that only answer private calls that suit.

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