“FINALLY! A Wealth Creation System
That YOU Can Control”
At this exclusive Investor Briefing, you'll discover
The Wealth Creation System that
you control,
instead of it controlling you...
Sydney, September 2024
Subject: Growing your cashflow and net worth in a tougher economy
Dear Fellow Wealth Creator:
You and I both know how hard it is to make money in the stock and property markets and that's not about to change for some time. That's why you might be scrambling to find an investment opportunity that can put your Super Fund and savings back on track.
In fact, if you're like most Australian investors, your Super Fund and savings balance went DOWN 20 to 40% during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). The scariest things about the GFC is the fact that investors were powerless to prevent it and once caught up in it, had no control whatsoever. Most lost two years of returns practically overnight.
Let's face it - that hurts. But guess what? There's something you can do about it.
It's called Virtual Real Estate. Buying and selling websites on the Internet.
- Something that YOU control
- Something that is simple and easy to understand
- Something that has virtually no risk
- Something you can start doing with just a few hundred dollars
- Something that can double your investment in weeks or months, EVEN IN THIS RECESSION
That's where the Wealth Without Worries Investor Briefing comes in...
The Wealth Without Worries Investor Briefing is an event designed to explain this wealth creation vehicle that is NOT new, it's just been a well-kept secret until now.
In fact during the GFC, when the stock and real estate markets were struggling, the second Virtual Real Estate Portfolio Development Excelsior II completely sold out!
Welcome to the world of Virtual Real estate!
From finding the right websites at the lowest price, performing due diligence, acquiring sites and optimising them for increased cash flow and/or capital gain – everything will be revealed at the Wealth Without Worries Event.
You'll get comprehensive step-by-step instructions to turn you into a ‘Virtual’ Property Mogul – even if you have ZERO investment or online experience.
These strategies are guaranteed to work on ANY website for ANY market and you don’t have to quit your job or be a technical wizard to do it.
You’ll understand the process of sniffing out what we call ‘Krappy’ websites, plus you’ll receive complete 'tick-the-box' checklists of powerful optimisation strategies to quickly and easily improve the cash-flow and asset value of each website on a shoestring budget so you can flip it for maximum profits.
The system is so simple, even a fifth grader could do it!
In fact, you could simply commission your teenage daughter or son to do the majority of the work for you, (no experience necessary) – just by following the simple, clearly laid out instructions click-by-click.
If you’re looking to become a serious Virtual Real Estate Portfolio Investor, you’ll need the solid foundation in current optimisation strategies, identifying ‘undervalued’ websites and understanding the pitfalls you must avoid will be addressed at the Wealth Without Worries Event.
If you want to buy and sell websites as a hobby so you can make money at your own pace, you’ll need the list of checklists and step-by-step strategies to get you started that paid attendees will receive.
Or, if you want to learn how to easily increase the asset value of your existing websites, you’ll receive a proven systematic plan that will resuscitate your websites and turn them into ‘Kash Kows’.
Why isn�t everyone doing this?
- Most people don’t know sites can be bought for as little as $50 to $100.
- Just because a website is not successful doesn’t mean it can’t be quickly and profitably turned around. In fact, the ‘Krappier’ the website, the more profitable the makeover!
- Most people think they need technical skills to do this when all you need is a handful of skills we’ll explain at the Investor Briefing in detail.
- Many people are still intimidated by the Internet – just like some people don’t understand Stocks and the Stock Market – that is YOUR opportunity to get in.
From Krappy to Kool to Kash Kow Websites... Ka-Ching!
Discover how to unleash a river of ongoing passive
income that just keeps flowing into your bank account
24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year –
virtually on autopilot!
At the Wealth Without Worries Event, you'll learn about the two components of successful Virtual Real Estate investing.
- TRADING: Identifying opportunities, conducting due diligence, buying and selling websites.
- OPTIMISING: Improving the cash flow and asset value of your portfolio websites.
This model is such a ‘no brainer’ that SMART investors are starting to realise its enormous upside potential. And because we’ve done all the ‘dirty work’ for you – you can get started RIGHT NOW!
From Krappy to Kool to Kash Kow Websites... Ka-Ching!
At the Wealth Without Worries Event, you'll also be introduced to the 3 types of Virtual Real Estate website properties involved:
Krappy Websites are basic, simple sites that have been created by someone passionate about the subject, but with no clue about optimising the site for traffic generation. These sites are not bought and sold on revenue generation capabilities, but FREE organic traffic potential. They are the quintessential ‘fixer uppers’. To be flipped to people who can turn them into Kool websites.
Kool Websites are better than Krappy Sites with an established traffic base and/or sufficient content to be easily and quickly transformed into a Kash Kow Website. Kool Websites require specific renovations to be made which requires a higher skill set than flipping Krappy Websites. Revenue still does not play a significant factor in evaluating and assessing Kool Websites.
Kash Kow Websites by definition are revenue producing, passive income generating and as such need to be given a substantial facelift or massive makeover to produce profitable returns. This requires the highest skill set, but also has the potentially highest rewards – producing on-going passive income 24/7/365.
You’d have to be a FOOL to BUILD a website from scratch – when all the ‘grunt work’ has already been done for you!
Consider the following reasons why this model is exponential:
- By acquiring established websites, you eliminate the expensive and time-consuming process of identifying and testing potential niches – this alone could save you thousands of dollars and 10 to 50 hours of research that someone else has done for you!
- Many established websites can be purchased for as little as 10 to 20 months’ revenue.
- The cost of entry is ridiculously low. Many established websites are available for purchase at a ROCK-BOTTOM $400-$2,000 - compare that with purchasing a ‘brick and mortar’ business.
- Most existing online businesses are so poorly SEO optimised that you can increase cash flow and asset value quickly and easily, especially once you learn the paint-by-numbers simple optimisation strategies that will be revealed at the Wealth Without Worries Event.
It’s BECAUSE someone has NOT been successful in a particular niche that you will pay 10 cents on the dollar to make it successful. We will show you exactly how to identify the ‘Krappiest’ sites with the most upside potential.
The best thing about this wealth creation system is you don’t even have to have a product to sell on these sites…
A little confused? Don’t be, we’ll explain it all to you at the Investor Briefing.
How does this compare to traditional investments like the Stock Market or Property Investment?
Property Investment |
Stock Investment |
Virtual Real |
Open houses |
Yes |
No |
No |
Tyre kickers |
Yes |
No |
No |
Tenants |
Yes |
No |
No |
Sales |
Yes |
No |
No |
Cold Calling |
Yes |
No |
No |
Mortgage/Financing |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Travel |
Yes |
No |
No |
Financial Expertise |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Capital Risk |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Car required |
Yes |
No |
No |
Work at preset times |
No |
Yes |
No |
Stress |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Age Restrictions |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
‘Do it all yourself’ |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Forced to work in one place |
Yes |
No |
No |
Bank Financing |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Experience |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
In the Wealth Without Worries Event, you’ll discover how to acquire income-generating websites that you can either leverage for cash flow or optimise and sell for a handsome 50% to 100% profit, within hours and days.
ATTENTION small business owners!
Here’s the real kicker...
...You’ll learn how to buy websites that funnel targeted prospects into your own brick and mortar business website.
This strategy has worked for plumbers, electricians, dentists, lawyers, retail shops. The key here is that these are leads that start coming to you automatically and systematically. Every day, every week, every month.
- How much are you spending right now trying to acquire new leads?
- How long is it taking you to find them?
Imagine acquiring 200, 500 or even 12,000 NEW and QUALIFIED prospects/leads (per year) for your ‘bricks and mortar’ business each time you add a new website to your portfolio…
Wouldn’t that change things for you just a little bit?
What if the online revenue you generated payed for all of the maintenance costs... How exponential would that be?
A continuous stream of FREE LEADS for your brick and mortar business!
You'll learn the fundamentals of how to:
- Leverage the Virtual Real Estate model to your advantage
- Sniff out buying opportunities – how and where to find the ripest and juiciest websites that are already pumping income and/or profit. (You’ll learn WHERE to find those websites, how to decide whether they have real potential and how to make a purchase WITHOUT losing your shirt.)
- Due diligence checklist – you get a ‘tick-the-boxes’ checklist for assessing the upside opportunities and downside threats BEFORE you even consider purchasing a website.
- Which websites you should hold for cash flow and which ones you should sell for a quick profit.
- How to CONTROL your risk in the “Virtual World ” – things you MUST KNOW so you don’t get taken to the cleaners by unscrupulous website sellers. (You’ll learn how to spot such ‘bombs’ so you don’t have to learn the hard way).
- Simple strategies to increase revenue, profit, growth and asset value that are proven to work on ANY website in ANY market.
- 32 Traffic Optimisation Strategies – TOP 32 exponential strategies guaranteed to surge hoards of fresh traffic to your new Virtual Real Estate websites on a shoestring budget– many taking less than 5 minutes!
- 32 Traffic Monetisation Strategies – 32 PROVEN ways for increasing visitor value – turning curious visitors into excited buyers who are eager to give you their money around the clock, even while you sleep.
- PLUS additional bonuses, tips and techniques!
We’ll teach you how to bullet-proof your portfolio so the instant you buy a web property, you deploy 3, 4 or 5 strategies to INSTANTLY protect it’s capital asset value to reduce or eliminate any downside risk.
You can’t do that with a stock on the ASX and you can’t do that with a house, unit, commercial or industrial property. Imagine how well you’ll sleep at night knowing that you have a PROTECTED PORTFOLIO…
You can become a Virtual Real Estate Agent
or Investor in the next 2 minutes!
The Wealth Without Worries Event will provide you with an overview of a complete step-by-step process to take you from a complete newbie to a serious investor so you can generate passive income streams by flipping existing websites for maximum profits anytime you feel like it, as often as you want.
You could buy a site for a $200 or $300 and turn it into $400 or $600 website for a 100% ROI in 3-4 hours over the next 2 to 3 days...
...or you could do a quick ‘renovation’ job by following a simple step-by-step process for a 400-500% profit in a matter of weeks.
The exciting thing is not the dollar values involved – it’s acquiring the skill set and the confidence that you can repeat this profitable process over and over and over again – anytime you want a little extra cash!
Now that’s the ultimate freedom – having the ability to generate passive income streams that you can manage from your home, local park, the beach or anywhere else you like, that pays you even while you sleep!
You can’t and won’t find this information anywhere else on the Internet because, quite simply, it doesn’t exist. You can only get it from this website right now and the longer you wait, and the more people learn about this model, the less easy it will become to make the high returns that are currently possible. You know how important timing is. The earlier you are able to get in, the higher the returns.
Come Discover This Wealth Creation System
For Yourself
At The Next Investor Briefing
There are many passionate people who spend a fortune building, researching and writing content for their websites – their websites are fully functional. They do it as a hobby, out of fervent passion. They don’t know any better, and they certainly don’t know exponential strategies to take those websites to the next level.
But that’s exactly what you’ll learn at the Wealth Without Worries Investor Briefing.
You can start small with as little as $200 “seed capital ” and use the optimisation strategies introduced at the Investor Briefing to boost your cash flow and parlay your profits into more web properties.
It’s totally up to you how much money you want to be making. Wouldn’t you agree there is nothing better than to make money while having fun – money that never stops flowing into your bank account?
Generate enough income to quit your job…
One of the great things about the Virtual Real Estate model is that once a site has been optimised you can maintain results with very little ongoing effort – usually less than 30 minutes to 1 hour per week, but the income keeps flowing 24/7/365 – no matter where you are!
It’s simple to use, it needs a little discipline, but not as much as having to get up at 5 a.m. when it’s still pitch black outside then get stuck in bumper to bumper traffic going to work.
With Virtual Real Estate you can sleep in, work late at night, or work any time you choose (see the difference?) – all you need is a computer and an internet connection - and you’re in business!
No staff to worry about...
...You’ll learn how you can access just about any professional to tweak your websites, research, compile and write sales copy or execute any other technical wizardry for you at 10 to 20 cents on the dollar!
Frankly it’s the best business you could ever have. You set your own hours, you determine how much you want to earn – you are the master of your destiny and you can get started right now!
You never have to hire staff or sales people!
This is an on-going, passive income stream that you build month-by-month to augment and then to replace your employment/professional/effort-based income with REAL PASSIVE income that keeps flowing into your bank account even while you sleep WITHOUT lifting a finger!
But I must warn you, your only advantage right now is the "first-mover" advantage, as the more people discover this powerful model, the less effective it becomes. Just like any investing opportunity, your TIMING determines your success.
The only question you should be asking yourself is, "how much money and freedom can this system give you if you take action BEFORE the rest of the people discover this opportunity?”
Imagine if you could build 10 or more income-generating websites that just keep pumping profits into your bank account, day-in, day out.
Stop imagining. Make it a REALITY right now. Decide now to attend the Investor Briefing and determine then if this is for you. There's even a FREE Option, so price isn't a factor -- desire is.
Your Super Fund and savings are going to continue to languish if YOU don’t get control of your finances and wealth creation back soon.
Time is money. Last year, the development SOLD OUT. Don’t get left behind this year.
Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault
The Exponential Growth Strategist
#1 Question to Ask Yourself:
How much would you have to invest in the Stock Market to make $1,000/month of NET INCOME?
At a 5% dividend/yield rate, it would be $240,000.
In ‘Real World’ Real Estate it would be $1,000,000 to $2,000,000+ for a NET positively geared property depending on interest rates and rental returns.
This Virtual Real Estate opportunity requires less than $10,000. If that doesn’t convince you, then you need to ask yourself the second question…
#2 Question to Ask Yourself:
Do you have a better way of making on-going passive income than what I have described?
With this Virtual Real Estate strategy, you will quickly get to $1,000/month of income on your way to learning how to get to $100,000/year.
To be crystal clear about the passive nature of this income – business people and Internet entrepreneurs are replacing their effort-based income with this auto-pilot income so they can finally get out of the entrepreneurship jail that enslaves so many hard-working professionals.
They’ve come to the realisation that 5 to 10 hours/week is passive and with $1,000 to $10,000/month of income it’s the best wealth creation opportunity available, especially in this recession.
#3 Question to Ask Yourself:
Still wondering if this is for real?
Let me tell you the TWO genius concepts that make this an absolute no-brainer.
Genius Concept #1: You control how you create Income or Capital gains.
That’s right, you can buy one website that you flip for a 100% or 200% capital gain and buy another one that you’ll create an opt-in strategy with an on-going back-end sales income of $5 or $10/opt-in that produces $500 or $1,000/month of income.
Which leads me to the second Genius Concept…
Genius Concept #2: The revenues produced via Virtual Real Estate are not limited to online sales!
What does that mean? Let’s look at an example that assumes that you own 20 health related sites that each has 1,000 unique visitors per month. That is 20,000/month or 240,000/year. If you had a 1% of the visitors opt-in to be contacted by a local Chiropractor for example, that would be 2,400 suspects or prospects.
If only 10% of these prospects were given to a Chiropractor (Australian-based leads), that’s 240 new prospects he/she can try to convert. If he/she converts only 10% (that is a very low conversion rate) that’s 24 new clients/year. If the Chiropractor is willing to pay $100/new CONVERTED lead, that is $2,400/year of PASSIVE INCOME IN ADDITION to the on-going Internet-based income you’re generating 24/7/365…
I told you it was GENIUS!
Of course if you’re a genius, you’ve figured out that you can repeat this strategy with Chiropractors in other states and countries… Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching!
But y’see, this is where it gets EXPONENTIAL.
We have members who are ready and waiting, wallet out, and who WANT TO PAY YOU FOR LEADS… but the only question left to ask yourself is…
#4 Question to Ask Yourself:
If you are still hesitating after reading all of this, you have to ask yourself if this is really for you. If you have doubts after I’ve explained all the benefits, REMOVED ALL THE RISK and detailed why this model is a self-perpetuating money-making opportunity like no other, then ask yourself:
Are you up to the challenge?
- Do you want to make money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even while you sleep?
- Do you want to be able to work from anywhere in the world that has an Internet connection? (I am currently writing this sentence pool side at a beach resort in beautiful Northern Queensland – Palm Cove BECAUSE I can!)
- Do you want to learn the latest and greatest Exponential Internet Marketing Strategies amongst a MasterMind of other like-minded people who are just as committed and excited about this concept?
- Do you want to get beyond working hard for your money and start to get it to work hard for you instead?
- Do you want to make money without having to SELL anything? Most ‘biz opps’ and MLM models rely on your personal network of friends and family – this doesn’t. No one needs to know how you’re making $1,000, $3,000 or $10,000/month.
If you have a friend, brother, sister, niece, nephew, wife or husband that can help you, you’ll be joining others who have teamed up to make this a family affair - BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TO most are doing this on their own – quietly and privately.
No one knows how they can afford that new watch, suit, dress, car or exotic vacation. That’s their little secret!
Watch this YouTube video for a brief overview of the passive income wealth creation model that underpins the Flipping Website For Profit Program
Now you know the secret to making $100,000 of passive income Flipping Websites for Profit...
Wealth Without Worries event and become
a Virtual Real Estate Agent or Investor
Important disclaimer:
Please note that the Wealth Without Worries Investor Briefing is NOT a presentation for a financial service, product or investment. The presenter will not be giving investment, financial or tax advice as defined by the Financial Services Regulations. All participants are expected and encouraged to seek their own independent advice and counsel should they choose to enrol in the proposed Internet-based program called Flipping Websites For Profit. As an Internet-based model that has produced incredible results for people in the past, there is no guarantee these will be replicated in the future. Your results and returns will vary based on what you do and don’t do with the program curriculum content. All the details of the program will be explained at the Investor Briefing event so that you can make an informed decision. That is why the Investor Briefing is taking place – to ensure you have all the information and details you need to make the right decision. Only 20 to 30 people will be admitted into the program – people who want to buck the trend of the current downward spiral and invest in themselves as the creators of their own wealth – something they can completely control instead of leaving it up to others to determine their fate and their financial destiny.
Exponential disclaimer:
Having an Exponential Mindset means realising that the previous disclaimer is necessary but does not preclude someone with a mind open to boundless possibilities to discover and assess such an exciting opportunity. We all know that we get what we deserve in life – when we leave it up to others to manage our finances and they get it wrong, we deserve to suffer the 25, 30 or even 45% drop in our superfund balances. An exponentially minded person however has the option – to explore other avenues of wealth creation. Out-of-the-ordinary ones that can produce extra-ordinary results. An Exponential Mindset enthusiast can extrapolate what it can mean to fully leverage the Internet – a global audience that is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Leveraging that to create a passive income stream is not just exciting – it’s real. People of all walks of life are doing it. This particular model, that will be presented at the Wealth Without Worries Investor Briefing is a unique twist that will without a doubt excite you. As stated in the previous paragraph, you MUST make sure this is for you and that you do get all the independent and relevant advice from your trusted professionals. Most will discourage you because they don’t understand the model or they have a vested interest in keeping you locked in the ‘old school’ model. If that happens, this is NOT for you. Remember, there are only 20 to 30 spots available anyway – with more or less 20 million Australians, that’s about one in a million... Literally. So if you have any doubts, Wealth Without Worries and Flipping Websites For Profit is not for you. This is a very different way of looking at wealth creation – just like entrepreneurs go into business to build a business that someone will buy one day, this is no different – except that implemented properly, there is no ‘office, store or factory’ to go to. It’s all virtual on the Internet!