Archive for the 'Career Humour' Category

Is Working Bad For Your Health?

It seems working is dangerous to your health – enough to fill an entire volume!

Weekday Mood Swings

I know too many people who really don’t like their jobs… This funny image seems to summarise how they must feel throughout the week.

TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More

We have all heard the famous saying: TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More, but this company has taken the concept to the next level with humour and wit! Enjoy!

Who do you look like?

We have all heard the dictum that like attracts like… But does it apply to dogs and their owners as shown in the cartoon below? I leave that in the capable hands of dog experts… Whereas I can lean in on the case of business people attracting the resources and support they deserve. I know […]


Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. Whenever I see or read quotes (or jokes) like this, they make me laugh while at the same time wonder if people get the REAL MESSAGE. I know too many people who procrastinate and self-sabotage their career and success. They are their biggest obstacles to just […]

Sharks without sharp teeth

If sharks can be made to look less menacing without sharp teeth, what does that mean for us humans? As I’ve blogged before, you can’t afford to be ugly, especially when there are cosmetic dentists like Dr Cary Fraser who can provide dental solutions like Invisalign!  

A new way to quit your job – send a video

You have to give this lady credit for doing this – it sure takes guts and it is funny if you’re not her boss… I guess we all have days when we want to throw caution to the wind and just quit… But then again, why let a job get out of hand this much […]

Inspiration is 99% perspiration…

Now this is funny if it wasn’t so true… Seriously, You have to admit it made you chuckle, giggle or laugh… If you find images, cartoons, photos or other visual elements like this that are tastefully funny, please forward them to me so I can share them with my audience. This blog and my other […]

Definitions: Architect vs Engineer vs Contractor

An Architect is said to be a man who knows a great deal about very little and who goes along knowing more and more about less and less until finally he knows practically everything about nothing. An Engineer, on the other hand, is a man who knows a very little about a great deal and […]

Death By Powerpoint Video

As a reader or subscriber to this blog, you know that I teach public speaking skills to business owners and executives as well a Persuasion Presentation Principles that Unleash The Speaker Within You. One of the most popular presentation tools is Powerpoint. That being said, Powerpoint can often KILL rather than improve a presentation. Watch […]