Archive for the 'Career Limiting Moves' Category

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Sport Can Be Hurting Your Career

This is one of my core principles I originally learned from an Ottawa Professor, Michel Chossudovsky, the author of The Globalization Of Poverty And The New World Order. It’s pretty radical and out there as a concept and philosophy, but one that’s worthy of sharing with you – IF you want to get and stay […]

It’s time to change jobs

When you no longer care to do the job right, it’s time to change jobs as these two real examples prove.

You get what you focus on

Recently, a client was being bagged by an ex employee and asked me what to do about it. I told her that the Law Of Attraction is more powerful than gravity and will reward her for focusing on the positive side of things rather than the negative. Whenever I come across people who complain and […]

How to kill your career one puff at a time

Did you know… Australian smokers are individually wasting about 17 days each or as a nation 49.3 million days a year smoking cigarettes. According to Management Today, October 2009. What that means is that if you’re still smoking, you’re killing your career one puff at a time. Employers know how to weed out smokers from […]

It’s not MY job…

I can’t say it often enough… Whenever you’re given a task – do it right. This one’s from exponential copywriter Farhad Khurshed… I know you’ll agree this is a simplistic example, but illustrative of just not showing up to work with your A game. This blog is all about giving you the skills, aptitudes and […]

7 Habits Of Highly Effective Slackers

As you know by now, I’m all about a Positive Mental Attitude as popularised by Earl Nightingale. However, every once in a while someone sends me something that’s worth reading for CONTRAST and COMPARISION. Today’s post is short because I want you to take a look at this blog post that summarises the 7 Habits […]