Archive for the 'Goal Setting' Category

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Goal Setting

My blogs are all about showing you examples of antimimeticisomorphism – the goal setting video below is a classic example. I agree and disagree with it, because there is a subjective element to it, but for now – watch it and make up your own mind. This is the kind of video I will have […]

From ‘Just A Job’ To Finding Your Calling

I come from a family that valued higher education, hard work and integrity. I can’t say that it’s all that common these days. One of the foundational principles I was brought up with was the understanding of the hierarchy shown below. This Professional Mastery Blog is all about helping you migrate from having ‘just a […]

Career Change: Lessons From an Eagle

Someone sent me this link which is a great metaphor for someone contemplating a career change.  The average person will have multiple careers, changing jobs every 6 to 10 years and careers between 2 to 4 times. Furthermore, people should expect a career change to take between 2 to 6 years to implement. Click here […]

3 Quick productivity tips

Productivity Tip #1 When traveling, test traveling at different times of the day to test and determine which one is MOST productive and efficient for you. Contrary to popular practice, taking an early flight (when you have the option not to) is not the most productive option – especially if you sleep on the flight. […]

The more you do, the more you can get done

When I talk to my clients about productivity, efficiency and effectiveness, I triangulate or combine the Pareto Principle, Goal Setting and several other strategies in a concept I call Voluntary Simplexity. It has its foundation in the movement from the 1980s called Voluntary Simplicity that was made popular with the International Bestseller “Your Money Or […]

How Are You Thinking?

I created this diagram to illustrate different ways of thinking… To adopt and Exponential Mindset™ takes time and exposure. As a blog reader, you are passively involved in the process, to kick it up another notch, you really should get proactive and attend the only FREE event I have scheduled this year – the Exponential […]

Failure is a sign you’re stretching beyond your comfort zone

This short 1-minute YouTube video says it all. Failure is a sign you’re stretching beyond your comfort zone and expanding what I call your Sphere of Influence – a concept I explain in my Entrepreneur’s Success Book. Anyway, for today and right now, I just want you to take 1 minute out of your busy […]