Considering a Change in Career? Here are 3 Tips to Help Your Decision

At some point in your working life, you may want to change careers. If you aren’t enjoying your current job, then chances are you will not be performing at your best either. Moving into another career, one that you like or have an interest in, can help you become more involved in your work and happier in general. Read on to find out the three most important things to help you with your decision.


Photo: Marie's Vogue Blog Under Creative Commons License

Photo: Marie’s Vogue Blog Under Creative Commons License

When you are looking for a career change, a good place to start is by undertaking a new educational or training course. Most industries require some level of qualification, even at their lowest levels. It’s surprisingly easy to find a course that will appeal to you: many colleges, like Evocca College, have a wide range of courses on offer. With that in mind, think about the career you want to enter into and find out how much training you will need to secure your dream position. Maybe you have transferable skills in another, similar career. Further education can often get you ahead in your career, so keep providers like Evocca in mind when the time comes.


Consider why you want a change

Your reasons for wanting a career change will directly influence which career you wish to change into. Are you changing because you are unhappy with the job you have, or are you seeking a new challenge? Think over the things you like and dislike about your current job. Creating a “for and against” table is a great way to clearly determine what you are hoping to get out of your career change. It can be as simple as desiring different working hours or as complex as a major change into a new industry requiring new qualifications. You may find yourself going from a nine-to-five office job to working different hours every day in different locations and vice versa.

Take your time

The last thing you want to do is rush into another job just to find yourself in the same position you were in before a few years down the track. Consider what you want to achieve in your life. Where do you want to end up? Will a change in career really help you achieve your goals? At the very least, you need to think about the first steps in heading toward your ideal career. Remember that you don’t have to immediately transition into a new job; test the waters for a while first by doing some study in the area to make sure your desired career really is the right choice for you. A lot of the time, we have a “grass is greener” attitude. It’s important to remember that this isn’t always the case. Make sure you take the time to trial your new career direction before committing.

When choosing a new career, you have a lot to consider. Once you have found the job for you, don’t hesitate to take steps towards securing it.

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