Fun Workshops To Hold In The Office


If you are looking to liven up the office atmosphere this year, you might want to consider holding some training sessions and workshops for you employees. These can be work related or general life lessons, but they will bring your employees together and create a much more happy working environment for all. Here are some ideas:

Lunchtime Help Squad

You might want to make sure you’ve got the kettle and commercial toaster out for this one, as well as some snacks for the mob. Set a lunchtime each month where everyone gets together and collaborates on a project or issue. Each month, you can nominate one employee to share an issue they are having or project they are working on. They will explain it to everyone else, and everyone can pitch in with ideas and get involved. It is a great way to gain a new perspective on an issue and it will help your employees get along better.

Self-Defence Workshop

Think about all if the people who work for you. As a boss, you will come to care for these people on a personal level, and sometimes holding a workshop to help them with life issues is exactly what the doctor ordered. Holding a workshop such as a martial arts or self-defence workshop, can show your employees that you care about their general well being- and will offer a fun workout for them during the afternoon.

Vision Board Workshop

A vision board is a board on which a person will stick their goals, things they want to accomplish, and life dreams on. It could be that they wish to travel to a particular country, lose weight, or even learn to speak another language. Holding a workshop on creating these vision boards can give you an insight into the people who work for you, and allow you to see what they want to achieve in their life and career. You might even be able to provide them with the tools they need to get to where they want to be, showing them that you take an interest in their personal development.

Mindfulness Workshop

Mental health is something that as an employer you want to promote. It is crucial that you look after your employees and make sure that they are sound of mind as much as possible, and make accommodations when they are struggling. One way to help your team to get in touch with themselves and let out stress is to hold a meditation or mindfulness workshop. You can get an expert in to teach your employees the importance of making time for themselves, and teach them helpful relaxation techniques which will come in handy if they are faced with a stressful situation. Holding a workshop which aims at the mind and soul, and teaches practices such as yoga and meditation will keep your workers healthy, happy, and in turn more productive in the office.

Work-life Balance

A similar concept to the mindfulness training above, you want to invest the time in your employees to make sure they know when to switch off and take a break. Of course, from a business perspective, the more they work the better, but if you want productive and focusses workers in your team, you need to teach them how to let go. You could even make meditation part of the daily routine in the office, hosting an early morning session for 30 minutes in the morning before work begins. It will help your employees clear their minds and focus for the day ahead, and will promote a healthy work attitude.

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