Is It Time for You to Take on Permanent Employees?

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Running a small business can be hard work. You have a whole lot on your plate to deal with at all times. Between product design to development, market research, manufacturing, advertising, and marketing, you’re going to find yourself with little time on your hands to deal with customer queries, packaging, and shipping. Never mind networking, collaborations, and breaking deals with business partners. It’s no surprise that most small business owners have little time to themselves and are relatively stressed. But it’s important to remember that you don’t have to bear the weight of the world on your shoulders when it comes to dealing with all of these non-stop tasks. It’s okay to ask for a little help every once in a while. But the big question is, should this help be permanent and is it time for you to take on employees with contracted hours? Here are a few pieces of advice that should help you to come to the right conclusions on this topic!

You Can Outsource

If you find that you have a few one-off tasks to be completed or you have work to be completed that doesn’t require someone’s physical presence in your business’ commercial property, you might want to consider outsourcing. This is when you pass part of your business’ work out to a third party who can complete it independently and hand you the results. When you are outsourcing you can work with a range of individuals. From web designers to product photographers, market researchers, or an IT Support Firm. The main benefit of outsourcing work over taking on full time employees is that you can use these services as and when you need them, rather than having to supply the staff at the other end of the deal with permanent contracted hours. Your responsibility is reduced and they benefit in other ways, such as flexibility with their work and being able to work with multiple clients.

Taking On Permanent Employees

If you find that you need regular work and someone who is committed to a particular role within your company, it’s time to take on permanent employees. But this requires a whole lot more thought, as you take on a whole lot more responsibility. When becoming an employer, it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with employment law. Figure out what is expected of you and ensure that you are providing your workers with everything that they need. Consider subjects such as contracted hours, breaks, pay, responsibilities within job roles, training, and health and safety. Falling short in any of these areas could see you face court cases and forking out for compensation if anything goes wrong. It’s always better to toe the line!

While relinquishing control over certain aspects of your business to freelancers or employees may be relatively daunting, it is an inevitability as your business grows and expands. So, take the time to make the right decisions when it comes to accepting help within your small business!

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