Quitting a job or starting a new business is part of the circle of ‘business’ life that is now well accepted and expected. The reasons include a faster-changing world, accelerating with new technologies, the desire to expand one’s reach beyond a single industry and/or role and of course life-cycle changes following a life-changing event such […]
Tag Archive for 'Career Change'
At some point in your working life, you may want to change careers. If you aren’t enjoying your current job, then chances are you will not be performing at your best either. Moving into another career, one that you like or have an interest in, can help you become more involved in your work and […]
Someone sent me this link which is a great metaphor for someone contemplating a career change. The average person will have multiple careers, changing jobs every 6 to 10 years and careers between 2 to 4 times. Furthermore, people should expect a career change to take between 2 to 6 years to implement. Click here […]