We have all heard the famous saying: TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More, but this company has taken the concept to the next level with humour and wit! Enjoy!
Tag Archive for 'Teamwork'
As a leader within your company you have to wear a lot of different hats. One of them is as the Human Resources Director. Here are 5 things you can do to help improve employee performance. #1 Enhance Communication Communication is one of the most important tools for ensuring success. When (problem) issues arise, it’s […]
At one time or another chances are you’ve worked in a Toxic Team… You know what I’m talking about don’t you? One of those teams where the week feels like this: MOANday TEARSday WASTEday THIRSTday FIGHTday Seriously though, there are some common traits that are alive and well to some degree in all Toxic Teams […]
I am not sure this team really understands the concept of TEAMwork… Not exactly what you’d call a high performance team…