Become The Next Corporate Rockstar
Detailed Program Curriculum Outline
This event is different – it teaches you how to be persuasive without being pushy, how to be influential without being manipulative and how to be entertaining without being the object of ridicule.
It’s widely acknowledged that people fear public speaking – some more than death. That’s because they don’t understand what great orators know and do – effortlessly.
Speaking in public is one of the most valuable skills you can learn because:
- It will give you confidence to do things you otherwise would shy away from.
- It helps you leverage who you are (we call this your persona).
- It is the most empowering skill to have to move people to action.
- With this skill, you’ll be able to sell more to more people and/or get more people to move to action than ever before.
- Most importantly – it’s because once acquired, you’ll have the skill of the top 10% - placing you head and shoulders above your peers and competitors. The best part is that you don’t have to be a Superstar Speaker – you just need to do it “good enough”.
If you’re like most business owners, you’re struggling to get everything done, often working 60, 70 even 80 hours/week – most weekends are spent catching up of things that have to get done.
That’s because you don’t have leverage. Public speaking gives you that leverage – not by speaking as you’ll find out at the workshop.
The program starts when you register – you’ll receive Pre Program Preparation™ materials to ensure that you are ready BEFORE the 1-day workshop even starts.
In your Pre Program Preparation™, you’ll be given exercises, checklist and templates to:
- Determine who and what you are so that you can develop your very own “persona” that is authentically you.
- Before you can ever stand in front of a room or step up on stage, you need to know what your message is – it’s not what you might think!
- Learn the basic principles of persuasion and influence so that AT the workshop, we can go well beyond them into their actual usage – LIVE.
- Categorise and articulate what makes you unique and different so you can start differentiating yourself from your competitors.
- Learn the 4 keys to success™ by applying them to your business or career in a day-by-day process that forces you to ‘do stuff’ proactively before the workshop
- Plus you’ll have a few videos to watch.

At the workshop, we’re going to hit the ground running – since everyone will have done the Pre Program Preparation™ we are going to jump right into it with an overview of Exponential Mindset Thinking™ strategies – we’ll cover:
- The 4 Elements of Exponential Mindset Thinking™ that are the foundational building blocks to create results that are by definition – exponential, which means create extra-ordinary rewards.
- How to transform an effort-based business or career into a value-based alternative that leverages what you’ve done for the past 5, 10 or 20 years.
- Professional Persuasion Principles™ Revealed: How to say more in less time and be understood while moving your audience to action.
- Professional Productivity Powerhouse Principles™: How to leverage your new persona to get more done in less time. Each strategy will be dissected and deciphered so you can adapt it to your specific business or career within your particular circumstances.
- You’ll be introduced to the concept of determining Your Next Best Step™ to becoming the next Professional Protégé™ on your way to Corporate ‘Rockstardom’ to avoid the common mistakes most presenters make, losing face and sometimes destroying their reputations.
The program does not finish at the end of the workshop. You will receive Post Program Planning™ exercises so that you start to implement the strategies you learned at the workshop. Too often, people attend seminars and workshops only to be left to their own devices and simply don’t know what to do next with “all that information (overload)”.
- With cursory knowledge of Professional Persuasion Principles™ and Professional Productivity Powerhouse Principles™: you’ll be taken step-by-step through the process of developing your Persona within your current circumstances so you learn to walk before you run.
- You’ll receive templates and checklists that will help you to start the process of becoming the next Professional Protégé™ as you start to use your new skills and aptitudes.
- The key aspect of the Post Program Planning™ exercises is to ensure that you ‘do stuff’ and implement what you learned at the workshop.
Don’t forget that by booking into the workshop at least 2 weeks before the workshop, you’ll get a complimentary copy of my bestselling book “ Secrets Of Marketing Experts Exposed” which sells in bookstores for $39.95.
Don’t forget that the Pre Program Preparation™starts IMMEDIATELY upon receipt of your registration.