What Small Business Owners Need To Know
To Avoid Getting Fleeced By
Web Design Companies
Attend the 3-hour live event ONLY $295
Wednesday 19 March
1 PM to 4 PM
Friday 21 March
2 PM to 5 PM
Call us on 0421 516 689 to reserve your seat
You can access the webinar version by clicking here
If you’re like most business owners, the last thing you want to do is waste your valuable time trying to figure out how to get on page one of Google or whether or not you should be on Facebook and Twitter. There are companies, professionals and ‘webmasters’ to do that…
Web design companies are out to fleece you BECAUSE
their business model is to make money FROM you, not FOR you
So what can you do?
You can come to the 4-hour workshop I’ve prepared to protect yourself from unscrupulous companies, consultants and specialists who want you to feel intimidated, scared and vulnerable.
They want you to think it’s complicated because if you knew how quick, easy and inexpensive it is to get on Page 1 of Google, you’d never pay their hefty fees!
That’s why this session is so valuable. I am going to show you how our most elite, ambitious and successful clients leverage the Internet with mostly free strategies WITHOUT hiring any IT or WEB experts.
Let me repeat that again, just to make sure it really resonates with you.
I am going to reveal how our most successful clients dominate their market niches without hiring expensive web design experts and consultants – saving thousands of dollars while improving their results – getting more people to call or walk into their premises.
Most of the strategies and techniques I will show you are free, legitimate and endorsed by all the major search engines. They are not risky or manipulative (what hackers call ‘black hat’).
I will take you through the process step-by-step so you can fully understand the principles and concepts involved. The number one reason business people are intimidated by the Internet is simply because they don’t know the basics.
Once you understand HOW search engines work and how information is organized on the Internet, the basic framework becomes simple and straightforward.
Once the mystery is removed, the steps to get you to ‘page one’ is simple, easy and relatively inexpensive. The alternative is that you remain unaware and therefore at a substantial competitive disadvantage.
All it will take is 30 minutes. I promise to lift the lid on the intimidating aspects of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Social Media Networking within the first half hour of the workshop.
I have your best interests at heart – I don’t sell Internet support services because I teach my clients to do it themselves – just like I do!
I will explain everything you need to know in plain English without confusing jargon so that even a fifth grader can understand AND apply the strategies immediately.
I promise you that you’ll quickly realise that keeping you in the dark is a conspiracy perpetrated by the web community to extract exorbitant fees from unsuspecting victims. Not only that, I will show you a handful of FREE tools and services that you can access to complete remove any dependency on IT / web support services.
- Imagine never having to pay another IT / web support invoice?
- Imagine being able to control your web presence yourself without confusing and complicated software code?
- Imagine creating an online presence that out-performs your biggest competitors for a fraction of the cost?
As I write this, I realise you’re not going to come unless you know where I’m coming from and why my approach is different.
First, I teach my clients to deploy their web strategies on their own – I have no financial vested interest in on-going support and development services. My aim is to remove any dependency on web design companies completely (the technical term is called disintermediation).
Second, I practice what I preach. I have deployed dozens of websites without the use of any technical resources and have taught my most successful clients to do the same for themselves – without having to hire any permanent internal or external resources whilst out-performing their competitors.
Third, all of the strategies and techniques I will reveal to you have been tried and tested over the past 5 years across hundreds of industries in dozens of Australian companies from retail to professional services ranging from micro to multi-million dollar businesses.
The only thing you need is an
existing business and an open mind
Because this is not a get rick quick approach to making money on the Internet, the strategies I will show only apply to businesses that have real products and/or services to offer clients.
With the cost at a very affordable $295, I guarantee you will get ideas, tools and tips that will save you between $1,000 and $10,000 in time, cost and effort you would otherwise waste.
More importantly, I am going to show you short cuts to get results faster, without violating the established codes of conduct that are all-important on the web.
Still not convinced? Listen to these 3 client testimonials:
“In 2010, I spent over $20,000 in Adwords. This year (2011), I turned them off and am still getting more leads that convert to sales than ever, in fact, I have more work than I can handle. All this, during the worst economic climate I’ve seen.”
Gavin Buckett
The Gourmet Guardian
“I sell a $30 educational product on the Internet. Last year, I used to spend $1,000/month on Google Adwords. Now, with these strategies, I stopped my Adwords and my sales have doubled BECAUSE my visitors are much more targeted.”
Confidential for competitive reasons
“I can’t believe how easy and simple these techniques are. We used to struggle to get new leads. Now, because of our Internet strategies, our phones are ringing with clients who don’t even ask for a quote.”
A tradie who wants to remain anonymous
so his competitors don’t figure out what he’s doing.
The session is conveniently scheduled to last 3 hours so I can cover all the basics and get you on your way to leveraging the global Internet for local benefit.
For example:
- Why does getting people in foreign countries to visit your website or blog help you to sell to locals?
- If there is no such thing as being on “Page 1 in Google” anymore – what replaces it?
- How people search has changed in the last year. Have you been knocked off the search engine listings as a result of the changes?
- Why is it better to make many small incremental updates than one ‘massive’ revision, release or launch?
There are so many different options,
who are you going to rely on?
It’s simple. It’s all about results. Everything I teach can be tracked and monitored. The strategies and techniques I teach are bulletproof. They work each and every time – no exceptions.
All you have to do is follow the instructions step-by-step and give them time to work, usually less than 30 days.
Online success is not a mystery
when you know what to do and when to do it
At this 4-hour session, I will:
- Explain how your prospects and clients find you on the Internet. You will learn the quickest and easiest ways to get people who want to buy from you to find your products and services instead of your competitors’.
- Reveal why social networking is a complete waste of time for most small businesses. Unless you’re in the business to consumer space, social networking is one of the ways unscrupulous web design companies are fleecing ignorant business people, getting them to waste thousands of dollars for no commercial benefit. This is scandalous and one of my biggest pet peeves.
Show you what you need to do avoid getting knocked off the search engine listings. Google has moved the goal posts in the last 1-2 years. If you don’t do anything, your established position will suffer. I’ll explain how in one extreme example, a small business owner was completely wiped off the search engine listings literally overnight.
- Explain why Google Adwords are getting too expensive and too complicated for many small businesses. Google is a multi-national corporation that has a business model focused on BIG BUSINESS – not small entrepreneurial start ups. That why I want you to avoid unscrupulous web design companies who want you to spend thousands of dollars on Google Adwords Advisory Services.
- Reveal why Google, Facebook and Apple’s fight for your personal information is making your Internet strategies less effective. If you think it’s getting harder to get people to your website, you’re absolutely right. And it’s going to get worse – unless you know what to do about it.
- Show you how you can get more traffic to your website without spending a cent on expensive Google Adwords. Google Adwords are increasingly expensive. Most of our clients have abandoned them, replacing them with free organic search strategies that out-perform their previous Adwords campaigns.
- Explain how Google Places, Google Instant and Google Real Time Analytics are changing the rules of Internet Marketing.
You get more than just a workshop:
When you register, you will receive Pre Program Preparation™ before the workshop so you can make the most of the workshop techniques. Let’s face it, unless you prepare ahead of time, there’s no way you can be ready to absorb it all in 4 hours.
After attending the workshop, you’ll also receive Post Program Planning™ components that will ensure you have all the tools you need to apply the strategies in your business.
With everything you’re going to learn, the $295 fee is an absolute bargain. Web design companies charge thousands of dollars to achieve less than what I promise to show you.
But if the possibility of getting more prospects isn’t alluring enough, then consider the fact that unless you learn what I have to show you, you risk throwing good money after bad by doing things that flat out don’t work anymore because the rules have changed.
Oh, one last thing.
Almost all the strategies, tips, tools and techniques
I am going to show you are FREE, that’s right F-R-E-E.
This is the last thing your IT support or web design company
wants you to know. How can they continue to
charge you for something that’s FREE?
So there you have it. All the reasons you should come to this 4-hour session. It’s the best investment you can make to ensure that 2012 is your best year ever in business – online.
Doing business online is getting tougher and is much more competitive than it’s ever been.
If you feel like you’re falling behind,
you probably are
Most small businesses are slowly sliding backwards as the rules of the game are being changed without them knowing.
Imagine playing a sport where the ref keeps changing the rules and how points are scored and NOT telling you – how could you possibly win the game?
Now imagine the alternative – you have the rule book in hand and know exactly what to do to win…
That’s what this is workshop is all about.
Register now – spaces are limited, we use small, intimate venues to make sure we get to know you and your business.
Turn your online visitors from
Browsers To Buyers
What Business Owners Need To Know
To Avoid Getting Fleeced By
Web Design Companies
This MasterClass Curriculum Content
Is Delivered Via 3 Components:
Have you ever felt unprepared for a seminar or workshop realising that you didn’t get as much out of it as you would have if you had been given the opportunity to prepare?
That is precisely why we created Pre Program Preparation™ for all our events. Pre Program Preparation™ is all about making sure you access, read, review, study and learn the grounding materials for the course you’re attending. In traditional courses, instructors waste up to 50% of the course time telling you things you already know and then running out of time for the things you really wanted to learn.
With Pre Program Preparation,™ you gain advanced access to all the tips, documents, audio and/or video recordings, checklists and web links that you need to establish a basic, fundamental understanding of the concepts, ideas or philosophies that will be discussed.
As grounding material – the Pre Program Preparation™ is not a substitute for the live event, it’s a necessary component to make sure that everyone attending is ready to go full-on right from the start. That’s why it’s strongly advised that you do all the Pre Program Preparation™ exercises and assignments so you don’t start the event behind the proverbial 8-ball.
Often, the Pre Program Preparation™ includes exercises that are introspective and therefore quite difficult to complete when first attempted. These are usually scheduled at the beginning of the cycle to give you sufficient time to revisit them once other Pre Program Preparation™ modules are completed.
Many exercises are purposefully intertwined to reinforce each other so that each iteration in the process helps you get closer to the ultimate clarity that you seek.
The goal of the Pre Program Preparation™ is to ensure that all attendees of the workshop begin on the same page. Don’t worry – if you have questions, or have not finished all the exercises, you’re not expected to complete all the assignments perfectly. Just make sure you get them all started so they can be completed during the workshop.
Which brings me to the last important point of the Pre Program Preparation™ – make sure you bring all the completed assignments with you – as well as any supporting documentation, just in case you need it during the workshop. You never know what thoughts and ideas you might have.
Bringing more with you is always better than less. Also, I strongly advise you double-check the complete list of the Pre Program Preparation™ the night before you travel to or attend the event. I also recommend that you review all the components on your way to the venue (if you’re not driving!)
This workshop is an interactive experience that will spark your creativity and innovative spirit to unleash the entrepreneurial business genius that resides (hidden) within you. Your presenter, Dr Marc Dussault is an expert Exponential MasterMind Experience facilitator that engages participants in a fun and playful manner without being provocative or putting anyone on-the-spot.
With 12 hours of priceless content, the workshop exercises are intense, fast-paced and designed to be memorable in their delivery and effectiveness.
Each module has specific deliverables as indicated in the course curriculum below.
The Exponential MasterMind Experience Explained
An Exponential MasterMind Experience exponentially leverage the assets, skills, abilities, experience and knowledge of all of its participants in a unique ‘surreal’ way that has to be experienced to be fully appreciated.
“If Exponential marketing strategies are steroids
for your business or website,
a MasterMind Experience Workshop
is a pure profit Adrenaline rush!”
– Dr Marc Dussault
Not for everyone, an Exponential MasterMind Experience is a powerful environment where creativity, innovation and the passion for excellence can thrive. It is fluid, flexible and allows for a kaleidoscopic exploration of these amazing strategies and concepts.
The Exponential MasterMind Experience is a must if you’re committed to growing your business. All you need to do is give the concept a chance to let the real-life bottom-line results in your business speak for themselves.
The concept of MasterMind Groups was formally introduced by Napoleon Hill in the early 1900’s. In his timeless classic, “Think and Grow Rich” he was the first to summarise, consolidate and document the organising principles (distinctions of success) of the most powerful, influential and financially successful people of that era.
Nearly every great achievement or massive fortune in history has been the product of a team of minds united in achieving the same, pre-defined goal. The American Declaration of Independence was the result of a MasterMind Group, so was man’s first powered flight, as well as man’s first flight into space and subsequently the moon.
In his seminal book he defined the MasterMind Principle as “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.” He goes on to explain “Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel and personal cooperation of a group of people who are willing to lend him/her wholehearted aid, in a spirit of perfect harmony.”
Furthermore, he introduces the key exponential construct behind the MasterMind principle as “no two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” This is due in large part to our predisposition as social beings to “take on the nature and habits and the power of thought of those with whom we associate in spirit of sympathy and harmony.”
Success is not a solo act. To get from where you are to where you want to be, you need other people. A MasterMind Group is an excellent way to interest other people in your vision of success.
Our minds are like batteries…
Mr. Hill explains this analogy using the little know fact that a group of electrical batteries mysteriously provide more energy than a single battery of the same capacity. Similarly, Mr. Hill extols that our brains, when combined within a proper MasterMind Group, will produce more brain power than each individually could on their own.
So how do you get plugged in?
First, you attend this 4-Hour DIY Masterclass where there is synergy of energy, commitment and excitement that empowers participants to raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas and support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion.
That is the start of the transformation from ordinary to extra-ordinary results. As the saying goes, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. In this instance, it’s one afternoon…
The Exponential MasterMind Experience shares the basic philosophy that more can be accomplished in less time by working together in an open, supportive environment so participants can first see things from their own perspective or world view via the Pre Program Preparation™. And then, by adding others to the mix at the workshop, the group has a greater ability to share a combined intellect to see things from several new, different and contrasting perspectives in what has been referred to as the “third mind.”
It is this collective third mind that, when led by an expert facilitator such as Dr Marc Dussault, processes and distils information down to its essence, crystallizing abstract thoughts and feelings into tangible ideas and actions that can be readily implemented for exponential advantage.
Of course the rubber hits the road with the Post Program Planning™ exercises that follow on from the interactive workshop…
Tell me you’re not excited about this workshop – you have every right to be! This is a unique, special and intimate experience you won’t soon forget.
Transformational. Insightful. Invigorating.
Have you ever attended a great seminar or workshop, get excited and within 2 or 3 days feel deflated and disappointed?
That is exactly why we created Post Program Planning™ for all our events. There is nothing worse than investing hundreds or thousands of dollars for an event and coming out of it without on-going support and an action plan that helps you implement what you learnt.
The Post Program Planning™ I’ve created is customised for this event and specifically tailored to each individual version of the event, so that you’re not getting a pre-packaged series, rather exactly what you need based on what actually took place at the workshop.
Post Program Planning™ exercises include a wide variety of tools and techniques delivered electronically and for some programs, includes physical shipments to give you an additional hands-on tactile experience.
Nothing has been spared when creating, updating and deploying the Post Program Planning™ components. Each series is designed to ensure you take what you learnt at the workshop and apply it in your business or career immediately AND that you refine and fine tune them as you develop your own mastery and confidence.
Post Program Planning™ can last several weeks to several months. There is no set limit to the bonuses and gifts included. In many instances, workshop participants communicate with us, sharing experiences, insights and distinctions worthy of being shared with other participants. When the contributions are deemed valuable, they are openly shared with the original source always given full credit.
By involving you in the process, Post Program Planning™ is an essential part of the interactive experience that I create at all my seminars, workshops and events. If at any time, you see an opportunity for improvement, please provide your suggestion to us. We walk the talk of continuous and never-ending improvement. Both the Pre Program Preparation™ and Post Program Planning™ are the direct result of dozens of helpful suggestions that have made them what they are today.
The triumvirate of the Pre Program Preparation,™ the live MasterMind Experience workshop event and Post Program Planning™ is a winning combination that is truly exponential in its design and delivery. It’s become the level of quality, thoughtfulness and proven methodology that you have come to expect from us.
We don’t aim to please – we aim to surpass your expectations each and every time you register and participate in one of our events. Especially when it’s the 4th or 5th time you attend the ‘same’ event!
Sometimes the BEST thing you can do is NOT do what is being promoted – one example is MOBILE MARKETING.
Who is promoting this? The smart phone companies, large multi-national companies, advertising companies, digital marketing blogs and websites, Mobile Marketing “Design Companies” – all showing you upward trending graphs – to lure you into thinking you can’t afford to miss out and be left behind.
What a load of hogwash!
What is common with all those ‘promoters”?!?!?
They all have a vested interest in making money FROM you – NOT FOR YOU.
That’s what my clients find so frustrating – who should they listen to?
It’s simple – Listen to the person who has YOUR SELF INTEREST AT HEART.
We don’t offer Mobile Marketing Services which isn’t why we don’t endorse them – we don’t endorse them BECAUSE it doesn’t make sense for SMALL BUSINESS to get into Mobile Marketing right now. This is the BLEEDING EDGE phase of the technology – let the big boys figure it all out… They can afford to get it wrong. You can’t!
We’ve prevented this kind of mistake half a dozen times over the past 5 years with each new ‘technological breakthrough”…
There comes a time for a small business to jump into something – but this ain’t it for Mobile Marketing… and a handful of other things I will discuss with you at the 4-Hour DIY Masterclass. Book your seat now and avoid the costly mistakes so many small business owners make…
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