Archive for the 'Internet Marketing' Category

Digital Marketing Strategies To Help You Grow Your Business

Regardless of how you look at it, digital marketing is on the rise. Many organizations have used various digital marketing hacks and suggestions throughout the years to help them evaluate and expand their company. Now that businesses need to bounce back after the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s more important than ever to find ways of ensuring […]


How To Get More Traffic – Bottle Cap Challenge Example

There are countless ways to generate traffic to your blog(s). One of them is to jump on the bandwagon of a viral challenge like the Bottle Cap Challenge. Sydney squash coach Aaron Frankcomb and I just posted our squash version of it on my Mindset Of A Champion blog. Go have a look and see […]


Cyber Security Checklist

FYI, I just published an original article “Ward off hackers with this cyber safety checklist” on the Internet’s #1 domain registrar,, it’s my chosen domain registrar and primary resource for checking and buying domain names (URLs) for blogs and websites. Click on the hyperlink to read the article – it’s a compreshensive summary to […]


Business Names and URLs

It’s never easy to come up with business name ideas. I recently blogged about it on my Business Coaching Blog and thought I should mention it here because every business needs a domain name or URL to match their business name. The article I refer to in my blog post was actually published on the […]


The Internet: Who Owns Who?

It is surprising to see just how connected all of the main brands that we use are. In fact, just a few companies are the owners of the majority of the businesses that we interact with on pretty much daily basis. A huge number of brands are owned by just a few multinationals. The world […]


Sensis Social Media Report 2017

Sensis has just published its 2017 Social Media Report which makes for interesting reading if you are an Internet Marketer. If you want to make the most of your Internet/Web marketing investments, have a look at my Internet Marketing Toolkit. It’s for legitimate brick and mortar businesses who want to generate qualified leads.    

Share shuts down

I just got the sad news… Howdy, Twitterfeeders! We’re writing to let you know that Twitterfeed will be shutting its doors on October 31st, 2016. It’s been one heck of a run and we can’t thank you enough for your loyal usage and support over the years. If you’re looking for a service similar to […]


Google To Tax Australian Adwords!

As of November 1st, Google will be charging GST on Google Adwords.


Blogging For Business – Does it really work?

Don’t take my word for it. Read the email correspondence below from Malcolm Whitfield in response to a Post Program Planning (automated) email we send to all our clients after-the-fact. ___________________________________________ Hi Marc, (or whoever handles your mail),   Just thought I would reply to this. I attended a half day Internet Business Blogging Workshop […]


Google is at it again – mobile update to algorithm

Just when you thought you were getting on top of your SEO, rankings… Google changes the rules yet again. This time it’s to optimise search for mobile devices. Click on the link for some of the buzz it’s creating. It could be quite disastrous if you get caught with your pants down so-to-speak. If you […]


Seeing the forest for the trees or _____?

I use this metaphor to explain Internet Marketing Strategies all the time.


Times have changed…

Times sure have changed… Yet some people still struggle with ‘technology’ and don’t understand the basics of Internet Marketing… Thank you Andrew Powell for the cartoon submission!


Update Your Linked In Profile Photo

A friend recently asked me how to change her Linked In photo… Step 1: Go into your Linked In account. Step 2: Click on Edit profile.       Step 3: Scroll down to your current photo.             Step 4: Insert and position your new photo.     Step 5: […]


Linked In And The Law

  Thank you Alex Pataky of Opening Roof Specialists for forwarding this on. I am sure several of our readers and subscribers will purchase the book!


Amazing mind reader reveals his gift in this 2-minute video

You need to watch the video first – it is simply AMAZING.. When you’re done, click to read more.


10 Things Not To Do On Twitter

I am not a fan of Twitter, but it does have its valuable use, like receiving all the posts from my blogs – automatically when you follow Marc Dussault… But there are some things you should not do on Twitter as this funny video reminds us… Ten things not to do on Twitter: Don’t retweet […]


Social Media Versus Traditional Media

Even though this is a study by Virgin Mobile, it still puts into question the true so-called value of Social Media… As you know from reading this blog, I am NOT a proponent of Social Media. I rely on RESULTS to direct my marketing and sales activities. If you do what everyone else does, you […]


DropBox: Get more free space

We all need more free disk space – especially in the cloud. If you aren,t using DropBox, click on the hyperlink and you’ll instantly get 500 Mb of free space – need more? Invite more friends and you can get up to 16 GB of free space. Dropbox is ideal when you run a virtual […]


Email Infographic – words to (not) use

This infographic has a lot of useful lessons for anyone using broadcast email marketing on an on-going basis.


Things not to do on Social Media – Employee guidelines

Social networking websites have become a popular way to interact with people on the Internet. Thirty-five percent of adults on the Internet now have a profile on at least one social networking site, and 51 percent have more than one. Three-quarters of users between the ages of 18 and 24 have an online profile. Facebook, […]
