I use this metaphor to explain Internet Marketing Strategies all the time.
Tag Archive for 'Lead Generation'
Times sure have changed… Yet some people still struggle with ‘technology’ and don’t understand the basics of Internet Marketing… Thank you Andrew Powell for the cartoon submission!
This is a metaphor that can change how you manage your Internet Marketing Strategies. Click on the image below to see how you can generate more leads for your business.
It’s hard to get an important PREVENTION message across… The anti-smoking lobby struggles with it. One of our gym owner/client finds it hard to help people prevent the onset of type II Diabetes and I want to protect small business owners from being fleeced by unscrupulous Internet Marketing spuikers, web design companies and now “Social […]
As I mentioned yesterday, we’re at the Marriott Hotel, staging the last of the Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamps – ever. We’re not opening it up to the general public anymore, we’re going to keep the content for our most privileged clients – our Platinum Program Members… That being said, there is one concept that you […]
It’s unfortunate you’re not in the room with me at the Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp with other Australian entrepreneurs who are going to learn the most cost effective online strategies to get more traffic to their websites and/or blogs. We’re at the Marriott Hotel and right now I am about to reveal where the fish […]
If you don’t know how Google has changed the rules of online search and what it means to your online presence and sales – you’re about to get caught with your pants down. If you’ve been happy with your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), you’re potentially in for a rude shock with Google’s new updates, enhancements […]
I want to give you 1.2 MILLION connections on Linked In. That’s right, when you click on the button below, you’ll INSTANTLY get 1.2 Million contacts in your network. How cool is that? Of course if you want to know how to get to 7 million+ contacts in 3 days and then KNOW what to […]
I recently uploaded two YouTube videos that are ‘product’ description videos for my Marc-Ka-Ching Kube™, definitely a long tail niche marketing product. BEFORE I even posted the videos on my site, there were 16 views of the first video with NO effort at all. The second one is a ‘non-publicised’ video for people who buy […]
I recently posted about this subject, Viral Video Marketing, but I thought I would add another one to show you how easy it is to CREATE VALUE and have fun at the same time. Today’s video is called Evolution of Dance. If you haven’t seen this yet, you’ll have tears in your eyes and a […]
“FACT: 5% Of The People On The Internet Make More Than The Other 95% Combined” Come and learn the time-tested, proven techniques, tips, tactics, skills and strategies the top 5% use that you can customise and optimise on your website, starting in as little as 24 HOURS. This one-day event usually only for our Platinum […]
If you’re scared by the current credit crunch, market meltdown and stock market roller coaster, you’re not alone. These are turbulent times. To survive and thrive in these tough times, you need to have an Exponential Mindset™ which means you need to think and act antimimeticisomorphically. Which means doing out-of-the-ordinary things that create extra-ordinary results. […]
Every once in a while a SIMPLE TEST produces an incredible result – one that defies description. This ONE TEST which you can do on your website that sells products or services will cost you $97 and take less than ONE HOUR to implement. I turned $97 into WAY more than $10,000 in less than […]
The easiest way to get more clicks is to WRITE your URL more legibly. www.SpeedStudyForBusiness.com will out-click www.speedstudyforbusiness.com. www.MarcDussault.com will get MORE visitors than www.marcdussault.com. It is even more the case with long URLs like… www.ExponentialPrograms.com/Internet and www.exponentialprograms.com/internet. Make sure you use this simple, easy and free technique and watch your click-throughs improve INSTANTLY! Onward […]
Yes, that’s right – I have an exponential strategy to get 10% more suspects and prospects into YOUR database today. They are already there, you just don’t know it. That’s right – they are there, but you can’t find them. When you search for people with e-mails, they’re not there. When you search for people […]
We’re co-sponsoring an Internet survey with Marketing Results of Brisbane. This is one of the most extensive Internet Surveys of its kind to be done in Australia. It’s all about finding out where you stack up… Click here to take the survey now! If you don’t think you have 8 minutes to invest to learn […]
Go to www.homedeclutterandfun.com it’s one of the site of Marta and Ruben Putrananda have as part of their Portfolio that they are growing as Internet Mastery Platinum Members. When you go, make sure you Stumble Upon it. Then, try to identify as many Exponential Marketing Strategies being used and also make a list of as […]
Today, I’m going to tell you all about an Internet site that gives you a whole new way to generate traffic to your site. It’s called StumbleUpon.com StumbleUpon is a recommendation system which uses peer and social networking principles to promote webpages that its users approve of. It’s a word of mouth system – users […]
Make sure you subscribe to all my blogs
I just realised I took it for granted that you know I have MULTIPLE BLOGS… One of my most prestigious clients didn’t know I launched my Personal Mastery Blog a few weeks ago… So this post is to make sure you know I have multiple blogs so you don’t miss the 1% idea that might […]