Wow, what an event it’s been – 24 hours over 2 days and people still want more. That’s because most events just give you information, the Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp is different because it leverages the Business Building Blueprint™ that I designed that helps people find the Next Best Step™ as they determine the Pathways […]
Tag Archive for 'Internet'
Today is the second day of the Inaugural Annual Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp event, held in Melbourne at the Marriott Hotel. I already said we missed you in yesterday’s post, today, you should be missing us because you’re missing out. Yesterday went until 9 PM , with the Unique Selling Proposition Workshop that is like […]
Today is the first and therefore Inaugural Annual Exponential Internet Marketing Bootcamp event, held in Melbourne at the Marriott Hotel. If you aren’t in the room, we’re actually missing you. That’s because the concept of the event, based on the classic Exponential Business Building Bootcamp fine tuned and refined over the years takes the Internet […]
I just finished staging a 4-day event called Advanced Business Mastery. It was a full-on event with Australia’s most committed entrepreneurs. The amazing thing about it is that they ‘get something’ that most people don’t – especially people ‘on’ the Internet… They ‘get it’ because they spent 4 full days writing, drawing, sketching and mindmapping […]
I don’t do many FREE events anymore – in this Bootcamp Preview Series I am including more than $497 in business building bonuses to prove to you that when you do out-of-the-ordinary things, you can create extra-ordinary results… This series has new content and an irresistible offer you won’t want to miss. If you’ve been […]
As you know from yesterday’s post, I am in Melbourne at Internet Technical Mastery – A Platinum Program event that is not open to the public… It’s where I reveal the most powerful Internet tips, tricks and techniques like the one I will partially share with you right now. It’s called you can scroll […]
I wrote a post “You Get What You Focus On“, a funny story about my father-in-law’s ability to find money on the ground wherever he goes… The story gets better and more ‘surreal’… “… Now you want me to put it into perspective: The money I told you about ($682.47) was not the whole story […]
It’s a fact. E-mail opens and clicks have been falling, as fewer consumers worldwide are opening marketing e-mails, according to a November 2008 study. The study conducted by MailerMailer found that the average marketing e-mail open rate fell to 13.20% in the first half of 2008, compared with 16.11% in the first half of 2007. […]
I recently uploaded two YouTube videos that are ‘product’ description videos for my Marc-Ka-Ching Kube™, definitely a long tail niche marketing product. BEFORE I even posted the videos on my site, there were 16 views of the first video with NO effort at all. The second one is a ‘non-publicised’ video for people who buy […]
I just wrote a post on my PERSONAL MASTERY BLOG how I went from being a nerd to a geek to a millionaire. Rather than repeat it here, go to the blog post now so you can find out one of my best-kept secrets to the question: How can I sell and convert more visitors […]
Today’s story is brief, but it’s worth $682.47. $682.47 is the amount my father-in-law has found on the ground over the past 12 months – LOOKING FOR IT. That’s right, just walking around, he LOOKS FOR AND FINDS MONEY. Just lying there. Living in beautiful Vancouver Canada, he showed off his money-finding prowess here in […]
Today’s post is courtesy of Daniel Lizurek of He attended our recent Exponential Internet & Business Building Bootcamp in Sydney and wanted to reciprocate the tremendous value he got from it by producing the following play-by-play summary below as a GIFT to us (and you!). If you want to attend the NEXT Bootcamp, in […]
1% Improvement – Google it and see what comes up! Go to Google and type in “1% Improvement” using the quotes or click here. Yep, that’s my YouTube video that’s in the #1 WORLDWIDE position. Do you know how much I PAID to get it there?!?! $0. That’s because it happened 1% at a time, […]
“FACT: 5% Of The People On The Internet Make More Than The Other 95% Combined” Come and learn the time-tested, proven techniques, tips, tactics, skills and strategies the top 5% use that you can customise and optimise on your website, starting in as little as 24 HOURS. This one-day event usually only for our Platinum […]
It’s amazing how many people I run into, I give them advice and suggestions and 2, 3 or 4 months later we meet up again and they haven’t done a thing. They make ‘it’ more complicated than it needs to be. They need to STOP IT! Watch this classic YouTube video that explains what I’m […]
This is going to be quick… I’m not sure you know that you can purchase domain names for $36.50 for 2 years from The reason I am telling you this is because a friend and client was feeling ripped off by a Melbourne company trying to sell him the SAME thing for $140…! […]
If you’re scared by the current credit crunch, market meltdown and stock market roller coaster, you’re not alone. These are turbulent times. To survive and thrive in these tough times, you need to have an Exponential Mindset™ which means you need to think and act antimimeticisomorphically. Which means doing out-of-the-ordinary things that create extra-ordinary results. […]
Due to popular demand, we’re staging an ‘encore presentation’ of the 2008 Exponential Internet & Business Building Bootcamp… Learn Exponential Marketing Strategies that turn clicks into cash 24 hours/day 7 days/week. Strategies like this YouTube Video that provides Search Engine Optimisation rankings for FREE, within minutes… Stop losing at the Internet game – 95% of […]
Viral Marketing is easy when you have 500 people helping you… I was just speaking at a Private Boardroom Briefing recently and explained to participants how easy it is to succeed once you adopt an Exponential Mindset™… But there’s nothing like SHOWING you first hand. Rosti Zacharias, of a 2008 Exponential Internet & Business […]
Every once in a while a SIMPLE TEST produces an incredible result – one that defies description. This ONE TEST which you can do on your website that sells products or services will cost you $97 and take less than ONE HOUR to implement. I turned $97 into WAY more than $10,000 in less than […]