Tag Archive for 'Killer Kopywriting'

Killer Kopywriting System: New Additions

I have been busy updating our products and services throughout the year and I wanted to point out this page to you in particular since I think Killer Kopywriting™, write copy that sells, is a Key Komponent™ of success. This new updated and revised page shows you the new Komponents™ of the Killer Kopywriting System™ […]


Conversion Clinic: Tip #2 How To Write Copy That People Will Read

In a previous Conversion Clinic blog post, I introduced the concept of how to tell stories with a funny video. Today, I want to address some more copywriting tips that help you convert visitors into paying clients. Conversion Clinic Tip #1: Feed your reader with bite-size chunks That means use: Short words. Short sentences. Short […]


Copywriting Mistake To Avoid: Metaphor

At a recent Professional Mastery event called Unleash The Speaker Within, we discussed and explained the power of using metaphors when presenting in public. On the Internet, it’s equally if not more important BECAUSE the exchange you have with suspects, prospects and clients is usually TEXTUAL. The following metaphor mistake is important to avoid. Copywriting […]


Copywriting Mistake To Avoid: Headlines

Todays’ blog post is another copywriting mistake you want to avoid – making these headlines TOO complicated – stick to the BASICS – the headline is all about getting the reader to start reading the copy. For some reason, many people think they have to be long – they don’t – they have to be […]


SEO Tip, Fluff Your Pillows, Not Your Words

This is one of my pet peeves, along with the misuse of apostrophes. Fluff your pillows all you want, but stop fluffing your words. You are losing priceless SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) value AND losing countless suspects and prospects that would otherwise jump into your boat. Get prospects to convert into paying clients with better […]


Bootcamp Bonanza

Today’s post is courtesy of Daniel Lizurek of www.FastProfits.com.au. He attended our recent Exponential Internet & Business Building Bootcamp in Sydney and wanted to reciprocate the tremendous value he got from it by producing the following play-by-play summary below as a GIFT to us (and you!). If you want to attend the NEXT Bootcamp, in […]
