Business Blogging

Blog, Blogging, How To Blog, Business Blogging

Most small business owners still don’t fully
appreciate the value of social networking for
business purposes even though
Nielsen Research shows Australians
are #1 in usage of social networks!

Attend the 3-hour live event ONLY $295

Wednesday 19 March
9 AM to 12 PM


Friday 21 March
10 AM to 1 PM

Call us on 0421 516 689 to reserve your seat

The webinar version is available by clicking here.

Even though small businesses in Australia lag in Internet adoption with most small businesses either not having a website established or not having a fully integrated, functional website, in contrast, Australian consumers are quite techno-savvy.

According to recent research, 37% of Australians use smart phones and is predicted to be 50% by the end of 2011. 92% say they use smart phones while consuming other media; 46% while watching TV, 43% while listening to music, 36% while online. A whopping 26% say they have purchased something on their smart phone. Average number of apps is 25, with 8 being purchased. Nearly 50% browse the web every day on their phones.

Nielsen research shows Australians are #1 
in usage of social networks

Neilsen reports that Australians spend 7 hours 17 minutes per person each month on social networks and blogs. Australian social media usages was  highest for the second year running, out of Nielsen’s Internet-metered markets including: Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, U.K., and U.S. This means Australians used social media 25 minutes more per month than the previous year. That’s quite a bit more.

A lot of it is due to not knowing and confusion. For example, there’s a common misconception that links last a lot longer on Facebook than Twitter, because the newsfeed moves slower than the stream, but recent research confirmed this is not the case.

The half life of a link (i.e. the time it takes to receive half its total clicks from when it’s first shared) is on average 2.8 hours on Twitter and 3.2 hours on Facebook – not a massive difference, although on YouTube links last considerably longer.

What’s more interesting is that a link pointing to a topical news story – like an earthquake – is likely to have a lot shorter half-life than a link pointing to something oblique (like lolcats).

The concept of the half life of a link is important if you’re in the news business, but if you’re a business looking to stay in business for years to come, what is important and relevant to you is the value of the individual links established, not the half life.

Not knowing stuff like this can be damaging 
to your
online sales lead generation efforts

Why is a blog important for your sales lead generation?

Blogs are used to establish contact and communication with a business. A website by design is static, whereas a blog and Facebook are interactive, engaging the prospect. More importantly, he/she can read and assess the type of communications others have had with you/the business.

In this day and age, it’s not a nice-to-have sales and marketing tool, a blog is a must-have sales, marketing and customer support and brand building tool.

Do you remember the days when you could list your business in the Yellow Pages and then wait for the phone to ring? Those days are long gone. The Internet has changed business forever.

That’s a good and bad thing.

It’s good because the most effective strategies are FREE, but the bad thing about is unless you learn what works versus what doesn’t, no new prospects call or walk in the door.

If you’re struggling to get new clients – have you considered why that is?

With still only a minority of small businesses embracing social networking strategies (that actually work), it’s the equivalent of them being listed in the Yellow Pages with a HUGE AD and you not being listed at all.

It gets better (or worse depending on where you are) – many small businesses are wasting a lot of time, money and effort on social networking tactics that just don’t work. That means they are spinning their wheels, not getting anywhere.

They are paying so-called social media experts to do things for them so they can tick the box, but more often than not, are left with an invoice and no new business.

If you don’t know WHAT to do, 
you risk wasting
countless hours 
and thousands of dollars for
Social Networking Strategies that don’t work

There is a small percentage of business entrepreneurs who know what to do (most of it is FREE) and are generating new leads every day.

Many have abandoned Google Adwords because they are just too expensive, plus WHY PAY for traffic that you can get for FREE?

Let’s face it. If you’re not blogging, you’re just not serious about sales lead generation.

If you’ve struggled to get online and are a little overwhelmed by the Internet’s technical jargon, look no further – this one half day event is specifically designed for you.

I will take you through the basics of blogging step-by-step, click-by-click, on screen, live and interactively.

I will explain what you need to do, why you need to do it and how you can do it.

If you know how to type and “cut and paste”, you can be a blogger.

Best of all – everything I am going to show you is 100% FREE and accessible on the Internet via your browser.

This workshop will enable you to generate new sales leads for FREE – best of all, your competitors won’t have a clue, so they won’t be able to counteract what you’re doing!

Blog, Blogging, BRW, BRW Magazine, Small Business Blogging

Do you grasp the importance of this BRW Magazine cover story?

MOST businesses (especially small ones) are
NOT yet blogging, which means if you
ARE blogging, you’re way ahead of the pack
with very little competition for new sales leads.

This will change, but it reminds me of a famous joke, with two guys in the forest who come across a bear… One says “Oh #@#$! there’s a bear! We have to out-run it!” when the other calmly states “I don’t have to out-run the bear, I just have to out-run you!”

The moral of the story is that for online search, getting ahead and staying there is a race that some businesses are winning easily and inexpensively – BECAUSE so few of their competitors are doing it.

That’s why you need to attend our 4-hour session called “Business Blogging For Sales Lead Generation” where I will reveal what early adopters are doing right now to get new paying clients to call and/or walk in the door…

Within the first hour of the workshop, you’ll recognise that any time advantage you can get NOW will pay off instantly and you’ll be set for the long term.

If you have any questions, call us on 040 207 1956

Blogging Workshop, How To Blog, Blogging For Business, Business Blogging

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