Getting Your Website Just Right For Your Branding

If you run a business and you want it to be successful, you have to make sure that you are going to have a website to back it up. A website is actually essential in ensuring that you are keeping the public face of the business how you want it to be, and yet it can be challenging to ensure that you are doing this right if you have never had to look into it before. In particular, your website provides a fantastic opportunity and challenge for branding your business, something which is always important but especially so at this current time. If you are wondering how to keep your business alive at the moment, you are going to find that getting the online branding right is hugely important.

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Let’s take a look at how you can get your website just right so that it is really serving your branding mission as best as possible, and so you can keep running your business as successfully as possible online.

Get The Branding Right First

Before you do anything to the website, you have to make sure that you are actually in a position where you are happy with your branding, and that is something that takes a great deal of time in itself. If you are not happy with the branding, it doesn’t matter what your website is like – it’s just not going to work when you apply it to the website. At the moment, we have a unique challenge to try and brand our businesses in the face of the current pandemic, and it is something that you will probably be spending a lot of your time on. What are the values that you want people to associate with your brand? How are you going to get that across in a simple piece of branding? These are the things you need to think about upfront.

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Image-Led Website Branding

It’s important to remember what a visual medium a website is. Even though you can introduce other elements, it is always going to be primarily visual, and you need to therefore ensure that you are drawing people in visually first and foremost. If you fail to do that, then your brand is just not going to be recognised, and you are going to find that your website is failing to do one of its primary tasks. Being image-led is something that you are definitely going to want to focus on. That could mean hiring a professional corporate photography team to take photos of your building and your office and so on – once they are able to do so safely and with social distancing in place – so that you have a more professional image of your business on the website, or it could be a simple fact of improving the way the website looks generally. A messy website is going to reflect badly on the business in many ways, so this is hugely important to bear in mind.

Your URL

It might sound strange, but it is actually also hugely important that you manage to find a good URL for your business’ website. This should be as close to the public trading name of your business as possible, or at least something very closely related to it. If you are struggling to find something suitable, it is not unheard of to centre the name of a business around the chosen URL that you manage to find, even if that seems as though it should be a little strange. It is a common way through this issue, and it’s something that you should consider if you want to keep that unity of branding strong.

Image Source – CCO Licence

Focus On The Voice

Your brand should have a voice, or else it isn’t going to seem like a strong brand. But that voice also needs to come through in the website as well as possible if you want to make sure that it is really doing its thing, and it’s something that you can easily do as long as you are careful about how you write the words on the page. These words need to fall in line with the overarching vision you have of your business. If the images are right, but the text feels off, then your business is going to struggle for it, and people will trust the authority of your website much less too.

As long as you make a point of focusing on these things, you should find that you can keep your branding going strong even during these strange times.

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